Chapter: 6

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                           Killua POV

     I swallow hard looking at the man and the look of pleasure in Feitans eyes. "I...I guess we should get started." I say my voice uneasy.

   "Sugureta!" He says gleefully. I raise a eyebrow curiously. "Are you Japanese?" I ask. He nods. "Yes. Both me and Nobunaga."  I start to think and question at this . "thought they were very collected and rational. He is very...sadistic." I think quietly. He walks over to the unconscious man and waves me over. "Help me get him down and strap him to that chair over there."

     He points to a thick metal chair situated with its back to the wall. It has thick leather bindings on the arm rests and front legs. "A restraining chair?" I think anxiously.

   I quickly try to shake it aside and help Feitan take the man down and carry him to the chair. Once in the chair Feitan begins wrapping the bindings around the mans wrists and ankles, tightening them with no slack.

   "When you have a torture victim, you must leave no loose ends. The restraints must be tight as possible. Any give could mean a potential escape. The chair cannot be any regular chair either. The chair has to be thick, heavy and sturdy. If it's a weak wooden chair or even an average chair they can tilt over or even try to hop away." He chuckles at this.

    "What's so funny?"

    "Oh just remembering one of my first torture victims. He tried hopping away in the chair he was strapped to and it was the funniest thing you could ever see. The fear in his eyes as he struggles to hop." He starts laughing more at the memory which only makes me cringe.

   " this guy is definitely not right..." I think to myself. "Anyway, it's your first day so let's start off with something basic." Feitan says shaking off the giggles.

   "While there are many forms of torture for interrogational purposes, we must stick with the quick methods." He says after collecting himself. We walk back to the center of the room and wheel over the table of various devices and tools. "Some of the lesser forms consist of an ancient Chinese form called the water drip. Another form could be as simple as merely eating in front of the victim after they haven't eaten for several days."

    He continues to go on about more kinds of tortures that can be used to drive the target into submission. I find myself slowly becoming more and more disturbed at the amount of tortures there are. Rat torture being the most disturbing.

   "However when you want information out of an enemy soldier that could be crucial to success you have to break his will. And you have to do it quickly." He turns to the man and slaps him hard waking him with a start.

    "Ricordi cosa ti è stato detto?" He asks the man. "Is that Italian?" I ask confused only somewhat remembering the language from what grandpa taught me.

    Feitan nods watching the man. He remains silent. "Angelo parla.  Ricorda cosa ti è stato detto dal signor Zoldyck." The man, Angelo, nods quickly. "Well you aren't talking now but I'm sure we will make you." Feitan says turning from him.

   "Killua, watch. We will start with the most basic form of quick interrogation." He says to me. He steps close to Angelo who is now shaking in his seat unable to move.

    Feitan grabs his wrist firmly forcing his right hand down and takes hold with of his middle finger with his other hand. "Something that is effective but not too much as a start." He says to me before I hear the small crack of Angelos finger being broken.

   I flinch as he groans in pain through gritted teeth. I look at his finger turned at a perfect 90 degrees to the right at the knuckle. My stomach turns, the feeling to vomit becoming present.

   "Pronto a parlare Angelo?" Feitan asks him.

   Angelo looks him dead in the eye. "Fai il tuo peggior stronzo.  Non ti dirò mai cosa mi ha detto Zoldyck." He says visibly angry.

   "Oooh we have a tough one here." Feitan says pulling off his cover shirt so he stands in a white under shirt. His face now revealed with an evil grin present. "Your turn Killua. Let's break this one." He says excitement growing more in his voice.

    "Uhh ok. What should I do?" I ask. Feitan thinks for a moment before speaking. "Middle finger on the left. Pin his hand down first." I do as he says. I feel uneasy as I hold down Angelos hand and lift up the middle finger a bit.

    "Ok. What now?"

    "Take the middle finger like I said, and slowly start pushing it backwards. Like you want it to lay on top of his hand."

    "What?? Isn't that a bit much?!" I look at him taking my hands off of Angelo. "Not when you want information boy. And watch your tone. Do as you are told." He says to me angrily, the joy he had in his voice now gone. It was replaced by cold malice.

    Not wanting to agitate him further I turn back to Angelo and put my hands in the right positions. "I'm sorry." I whisper to him as I start slowly pushing his middle finger back.

    He struggles and grits his teeth as I push it back the pain growing slowly. "Good. Now I want that finger to be laying on his hand." Feitan orders.

     I chill runs down my spine thinking about what that entails causing me to throw up in my mouth a bit.

   I swallow it back down and close my eyes as I quickly push the finger all the way back. I hear him scream as skin and flesh tear like paper. A warm liquid pouring down my hand. I put the finger flat on his hand and his scream turns into a shriek that of a young girl. Before it stops almost as fast as it had begun.

     I open one eye slowly and take a peek at his hand. A gaping hole now remained where his finger was blood pouring out like a fountain. The skin hadn't broken completely causing it to rip some skin inwards towards his hand.

    I stare at my blood soaked hands and my stomach decides it has had enough. I run to the corner proceeding to throw up the contents of my stomach. "You will get used to it. I expected you to enjoy this." Feitan says behind me as I'm throwing up.

   I turn to him with tears in my eyes, my throat burning. "How could I enjoy this? Torture of another? It's sick!" I say my voice hoarse.

  He shrugs. "Again you will turn to enjoy it with time. Come look at your handy work." He says giggling at his pun. "But rough execution and you did it so quickly he passed out from the pain. I doubt he will wake for a while. Go get cleaned up. That will be enough for today. Have someone come down with some medical supplies as well."

    I quickly leave the room wanting nothing more to do with it. However the farther I I got the more in the back of my mind I realized something. "That was exhilarating...maybe..." I think to myself. "Maybe it won't be so bad."

(Authors note: Hello again! Hope you guys liked this one. I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get chapters out lately. I feel like I've been having some creative block as I re wrote this chapter 3 times. Next up will be a DbF so look forward to that! Leave your thoughts on the chapter and I'll see y'all next time!

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