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"What if we acted like civilians?" I ask as Killua slowly navigates the back roads. We had debated our options and ultimately decided to return to Luxembourg for the time being. He turns to me slightly, raising his brow.

"Don't give me that look. Pull off to the side and hear me out."

He shrugs and does as I ask him. We hadn't been driving for long. The night sky still remained above. "What on earth do you mean act like civilians?" He asks.

"Well let's face it, driving around Europe in a stolen German transport truck is suspicious as it is. You are supposed to be missing and I can't speak German. One checkpoint and boom, a bullet for the both of us. So why don't we go to Austria like you said? But seeing as going back to your home could be a risk, just blend into the population. Dress like civies or refugees? I shouldn't stand out too much. Hide your hair and you won't either." I explained to him.

He mutters something under his breath. Some kind of comment about his hair. "Ok there's a problem with that plan, Gon. We don't have any civilian clothing. Just these uniforms and your British army one in the back. Secondly, we will have to travel through Germany to get there."

"What if we didn't?" I pull out the map and point to a rough estimate of our location. "If we continue direct south, it won't be long till we get back into Luxembourg. Then from there into France. We travel through southern France till we reach the Swiss border. Switzerland borders Germany, France, Italy and Austria. Their neutrality could work in our favor."

Killua examines the map and his eyebrows raised slightly. "That isn't a bad plan actually. However with their neutrality, we would need to abandon the truck and likely our uniforms well before the border. Possibly our weapons as well."

"We wouldn't need passports either. Even if we snuck into the country, nobody would notice an extra pair of refugees wandering the country." I state only slightly ignoring his comment.

He looks at me annoyed. "That still doesn't account for a vehicle. Any provisions or civilian clothing." He chews his lip. "Passport or not, If we don't have any of those, getting back to Austria even with traveling through Switzerland..Currently your plan would have us abandoning our materials when we still have several hundred kilometers to cover."

I click my tongue thinking for a moment. I rub my temples with my fingers. "I'm too tired to make something concrete now. Let's figure it out in the morning. Right now it would just be a waste of fuel if we drive without a plan. We get some rest, check what cargo we do have, then go from there."

"You know the risk from traveling during the day is great, right? A lone truck would potentially be spotted and reported from any aircraft."

"Okay then, mercenary. Do YOU have a better idea?" I stare at him frowning. If we continue to question every action we won't get anywhere and he knows that.

He sighs. "No I don't. But this plan can be just as risky as driving through Germany. We would be traveling in their back line."

I wave my hand dismissively. "We are in the middle of axis controlled territory. Doesn't matter which way we go. We head north and we have heavy fighting. Go west and we will run into the front lines. Go east and we might as well be turning ourselves in right there. Going south is our least risk. Their forces are pushing more into France. With luck their presence won't be overwhelming. Besides as it is, we are already IN the back lines."

"Alright alright you've made your point. You're pretty smart for a Brit." He comments.

"I'll choose to take that as a compliment. If you had to guess, how much of a Nazi presence will we see in southern france?"

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