Chapter: 2

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                       Killua Pov

    The next morning we woke at 4:00 AM and dad stuck to his word. He ramped up training hard. We started the morning with a 40-kilometer run, 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and a spar against Illumi. All this before breakfast.

  "Alright, boys! That's enough sparing. Get inside, wash up and be back downstairs for breakfast." He says waving us off. "Yes, sir!" We say in unison albeit out of breath. We half walk, half limp back to the house. "Damn. Is doubling our training the best way to go?" I ask Illumi opening the door. "Beats me. Guess he wants us to be in peak condition."

   "If we don't die of exhaustion first. Look at the clock. It's only 7!" I say pointing to the wall clock above the stairs. "Can't handle it?" He says teasingly. Though his expression says this is even pushing his limits. "You bet your ass I can. I'd rather not be kicked out of the family. Or killed." I say going to my room for a shower.

  Illumi goes in the opposite direction of me to his room. "What are you planning father?" I ask myself, entering my room. I peel off my dirty sweaty clothes and toss them to the hamper.

   I step out of the bathroom, a towel around my waist, 10 minutes later and I'm hit by the smell of breakfast wafting up from downstairs. "Smells like breakfast is done," I say my stomach growling hungrily. 

   I quickly get dressed in a fresh pair of militaristic workout clothes. I slide my feet into my boots and tie them up before running down to the dining room. "Jeez, Killua. Hungry much?" Milluki says as I pass him. "You're one to talk piggy," I call back to him reaching the bottom of the stairs.

   I hear him grunt agitated behind me. I continue on and go through the entryway to the dining room seeing the spread on the table. Strudels ranging from apple to cream cheese. Palatschinken and Kaiserschmarrn. Fresh pots of coffee. I take my seat at the table just as Gottoh walks in with a large serving plate of Wurstsemmel.

  "Gottoh! You made my favorite! Danke!" He smiles at me. "Of course Master Killua." He places the plate before bowing respectfully. He walks away and I begin piling food onto my plate and eat quick.

   I feel a hard clap on my back and nearly choke on the food in my mouth. "Slow down Killua. No rush. Can't have you getting a cramp later during your sparring." My father says walking around the table and sitting in the seat opposite me.

   "Is sparring all you have planned today?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No. Today you will be sparring against a few other mercenaries I hired on to help train you. However, before that will be weapons. We will walk over to the shooting range and shoot targets. Your first sparing will be with knives. You will need more than just basic hand to hand."

  I nod understanding but confused. "Why the sudden shift in training?" I think to myself. "Why aren't I sparing Illumi like usual?" I ask curiously. "Because I feel you have gotten used to his combat style. He also has training he will be working on. Mainly vehicles in his case."

  "Is that were he will be specializing?" He nods. "So what about me?"

  "You will be likely specializing in weapons. Close and long-range. You have shown a spectacular aptitude for most guns. Now enough talk. Finish up and we will head out." I nod and continue eating.

                            Gon Pov
    I tilt back in the chair and groan rubbing my eyes. "I need to get to sleep but I'm sure aunt Mito is worried right now. She needs a letter as soon as possible." I let the chair rest on all four legs again pick up the pencil and start writing again.

      Dear Aunt Mito,
    I hope you are well. I'm doing great here at basic! As of when I'm writing it has been one week since basic began. It can be described as a Hell here but I don't think it's that bad yet. All of the other recruits hate me though. Since I manage to keep to Sergeant Knuckles good side.

    He is a very loud intimidating man but I do as I'm told and keep my nose clean. He's gotten mad at every other recruit other than me at least once. I'm sure the day will come I'll get yelled at for something.

    Sergeant works us about as hard as you expect. Five of the recruits have already dropped out. How many more will drop before basic is done? That aside I hope you are doing well without me home. I hope you will forgive me for joining the service. But I'm doing this for two reasons. I wanna defend you and my home, and I want to find my father.

   I'll write again soon! I hope to hear back from you. I love you, Aunt Mito!

                                      With love, Gon

     I read my letter and nod to myself satisfied. I fold it up and seal it in an envelope. "I'll hide this under my pillow till I can send it off tomorrow." I think to myself walking to my bunk.

    I slide the letter under my pillow and lay into bed covering up. "One week down. Nine more to go." I think as I close my eyes. "It's only going to get harder from here." I sigh and hum a tune quietly to myself before sleep finally takes me.

(Authors note. Sorry for the short chapter! The story may have a lot of short chapters trying to get to the main stuff. It's all coming together albeit slowly. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think and have a great day!

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