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Killua POV

      My wooden katana comes down hard on Nobunagas hand, his own weapon falling from them.

   "Kuso ̄ itai! Damn. You finally got a good hit on me kid." He compliments me before swearing under his breath in Japanese. He shakes his hand before reach down and picking up his weapon again. "Let's see if you can do it again."

   I shift my stance blade ready. "He's really able to shake that off." I think to myself. "Verdammt. Hope I can shake off a hit too."

   We circle around each other. The blades nearly touching. I take a step back before quickly returning, thrusting forward for a stab. He bats the blade away and prepares for a overhand strike.

   I duck and lean in closer and swipe the blade across his chest, but in that same moment his blade lands hard on my back. The air from my lung pops out like a balloon.

   "A risky move Killua. Only way you are successful with that is if you are faster than your opponent. In a real fight you may have gotten me, but you would be just as dead."

   I nod, sucking in the warm summer air to catch my breath. "So what would you recommend?"

   "Well you never know the combat ability of your enemy. Should you assume the worst? No. But don't assume the best either. You must be quick to assess the situation. What is occurring around you? Have you taken any damage? Has he taken any damage? Getting in as close as you did wouldn't be optimal if they have a bladed weapon ready themselves."

   "Too close? Don't I kind of need to be close to be efficient?"

   "Not always. Efficiency is relative. Go stand over there." He points about 10 meters behind me.

   I do as instructed. "Point your hand like you have a gun aimed at me. You now have the upper hand. But say an explosive goes off nearby and makes you unsteady. Or another soldier gets too close and you aim at him."

   I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Phinks behind me. Seconds later I feel a hard blow to my left side. Nobunaga closed the distance swiftly and landed what would have been a lethal blow.

"Come now Killua, haven't I drilled you to expect the unexpected?" Phinks asks with a cocky grin.

   "Good timing Phinks. Exactly what I needed to show him. As you could see Killua, or rather feel, I was efficient in using the surrounding to my advantage. So no you don't always need to be close to be efficient."

   I cough doubled over trying to catch my breath for the second time. "I'll keep that in mind sir."

   "Why are you here anyway Phinks?" Nobunaga asks. "I've still got him for another hour."

   "Orders from Silva. Wants the boy in his office. Says it's important."

   "Never known him to interrupt training. Give me your weapon and head over Killua. We will finish later."

   I do as instructed and bow respectfully before taking my leave. A sickening feeling in my stomach grows. Have I done something wrong? Is my progress during training not meeting his expectations?

   I enter the house and hurry up the steps to his office. Before I even knock I hear him speak. "Come in Killua. We have all been waiting for you."

   Stepping into the office the whole family has gathered.

   "Now that everyone is here, I have announcement to make. As you have clearly taken note, the amount of training you have been doing has increased these past two months. This is because we have been contracted by Germany for its military until further notice. They will train you as you will also be training them in return. This is to be taken very seriously. This contract was requested by Füher Hitler himself."

Füher Hitler. The current leader of Germany and it's Nazi party, has requested our services? That thought alone is enough to blow my mind. The idea of training some of their troops overwhelms me more.

"You shall take the next 3 weeks continuing to train with the troupe. Then on September 1st 1938, you will transfer to the prestigious Lichterfelde Barracks in Berlin. If you payed attention in your courses of military affairs of other countries, you should know this is where the elite are trained. Most commonly the SS. You will be treated with utmost respect. You will be granted rank of Oberleutnant. Are there any questions?"

I step forward. "With all due respect sir, I believe that rank is reserved for those with more years spent in the military. I do not believe I meet the qualifications"

He chuckles lightly. "Killua, you come from a family of mercenaries who have been fighting wars for almost as long as war itself. With your training, you are more than qualified."

I nod and step back.

"No more questions? Dismissed. Resume training and Do not. Disappoint me."

We all file out orderly and Illumi pulls me to the side after exiting. "What do you make of it Kil? Nervous?"

"Are you kidding? Nervous is an understatement. We haven't been hired by some band of thugs or small fighting force. We will be training elites for the German military."

We resume walking together to return outside for our training. "Yeah. It's quite a honor kumpel. Just means we have to really be ready in the next three weeks."

"You think we will get to meet him? The Füher I mean. He's done well helping Germany recover from the Great War. It's military has grown stronger as well."

"That it has. But you do realize Kil, with him hiring us."

"Realize what?"

"Oh come now. You can't expect me to believe you don't see it? People don't hire our family to train armies. They hire our family for results. Smells like war is on the horizon."

I nod silently. There is an energy in the air. Excitement or anxiety. I can't say for certain. We part ways upon exiting the house and I return to Nobunaga, who stands continuing to chat with Phinks.

"A war. I'll be able to put this training to good use." I think to myself. Maybe I can step up my training in my own way.

"So anything interesting from your old man?" Phinks asks when I approach.

"Plenty. As well as a reason to step up my training. Think you two can train me simultaneously?"

They look at each other. "Both?" Phinks asks.

"Both." Nobunaga states in return.

They turn to me. "Both is good." They say in unison.

I think my excitement got me ahead of myself. Their unison agreement tells me, I may have made a terrible mistake.

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