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"What did I tell you Gon? Course Britain was gonna declare war." Leorio says tapping the newspaper. We sat at our bunks reading the Nottingham Evening Post. Dated September 3rd 1939. Germany had invaded Poland just days prior.

"Great. Fighting the jerries again. Maybe I should have let that bullet take me out of commission." I rub the scar on my leg. I never let it heal properly so it still hurts at times.

"Too late for regrets now mate. You know I think I predicted this back when we were training."

   A little over a year after finishing our training our platoon was selected to stay at this base among a few others. We would continue to train and focus on some specializations. Due to the two of us doing the best mentally and physically we had a choice of just about any specialization we wanted. Yet we chose infantry.

   "Maybe we should have chosen a better specialization. We could be in a plane or tank for this war."

   "You are barmy for wanting to do that Gon. I don't fancy sitting in a moving metal target. Might as well be a death trap in of itself. I'll take the Fox holes, pill boxes and trenches. Besides we are specialized. We spent the past year focusing on close quarters combat and guns training."

   "Yeah, but the Germans didn't go into Poland on foot. They are flying planes and driving in tanks and other armored vehicles. Don't fancy a punch will do much to a tank."

   "They still had their boys on the ground yeah? Men get trained to fight and use guns. Wars aren't won with just machines. Now we, us good men fighting for king and country, are likely to be sent over to be the bouncers for Poland."

   "Perhaps. But that's what the military decides. Just cause we are at war doesn't mean we go give 'em a conk. Far as we know, me 'an you may just be still sittin' in our bunks."

"Our parliament isn't that weak. They will be sending us to fight before you know it." Leorio closes the newspaper and tosses it to the side laying back. "We will be on the lines with Thompsons or M1917 Enfields. We will make their Füher regret invading Poland."

   "What do you think the French are gonna do? The war is closest to them right now and they already declared war too."

"Really now? Those frogs are actually pulling themselves away from their fags and whore houses to fight? I'll admit I'm a little surprised."

"You do not like the French do ya?"

"Bloody hell no. Every Frenchman I've met was an arse. I was working a shoe shine as a lad, an' I had a Frenchman come to me for a shine. No pay, no tip, shouted something at me in frog speak and kicked me in the ribs. He wasn't the only one either."

"Ok so your distaste is well placed I suppose. What will you do if we have to fight side by side with them? COs won't like you picking fights with allies."

"In war the only person you can trust is your own country if you ask me mate. Remember the Great War? The Italians switched to the allied side a year into the war."

"Perhaps history will repeat itself?" Leorio shrugs at my comment. Neither of us have any idea what is in store for us in this war. If anything at all.

                              Killua POV

   I rub my eyes tiredly as I write in my journal.

     Date 10.9.1939
                 The poles have begun a counter attack yesterday on the ninth. We have been pushed back a fair bit. We are about thirty five kilometers west of Warsaw now. We are set up west of the Bzura River. Our march through Poland has been smooth until the poles attack on the southern flank. The Fühers blitzkrieg strategy is very effective. Moving in at surprise with overwhelming force has left our enemy with little time to prepare. As it stands their military is significantly weaker than the might of the Germans. A large force of men has reached Warsaw on the eighth. According to reports the luftwaffe attacks days prior has made it easier for troops. However their current play could deter us for a while.

"Oberleutnant Zoldyck!" Kurapika runs into the tent where I reside. Pulling me from my log entry. He stands at attention giving me a salute.

I return his gesture standing. "New orders I take it?"

He nods. "Yes sir. We will be redirecting our forces. The main forces of the 10th, 4th army groups as well as southern reserves to Bzura. As well as aircraft from the 4th air fleet."

"Out flank their flank with overwhelming numbers. And what about our SS division?" The division in question named the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler. Or LSSAH.

"We will continue to be attached to the 17th infantry division. We will provide support for the southern pincer."

"Not sending us to wipe out another town? Think I prefer shooting someone who is shooting back." I say thinking back to Złoczew. We gunned down many civilians and burned down just as many homes and buildings. Their silenced screams still rings in my ears.

"Don't think the rest of the division agrees with that statement sir."

"I'm sure they don't. Many were laughing as they killed the men and women. Even while killing the children. Depending who wins this war we will be charged as war criminals for this."

"Technically myself and the division will be." He corrects me. "You are a mercenary. Not part of the registered enlisted men."

I shrug. "But no time to think about that. We will have to make sure everything is ready to move. At first light. Let the troops know. I'll begin collecting my gear."

The blonde male nods and exits the tent. I sit again in the wooden chair resting my arms on the table. Only been at war for a little over a week and I'm tired. It blows my mind anyone could do this for weeks, months or even years. My training with the troupe didn't prepare me for the guilt I would feel about killing entire families. Burning down everything they owned. The smell of their flesh burning from the flames. I was prepared to kill enlisted men. Not this.

The sound of their screams from the ones who survived long enough to be burned alive. Those have haunted me for several nights. "Bin ich ein monster?" I ask looking at my hands. The blood gone but still there.

(Authors comments) in case you didn't read the description or any other of my notes, I will once again clarify the story will be getting darker, more descriptive with the horrors of the Second World War. If this makes you uncomfortable I wouldn't recommend continuing.

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