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                                  Gon POV

After breakfast, Sergeant Knuckle led us to the shooting range with the same American Cadence he's had us saying. Even without it, we would be able to march in formation with ease.

Upon reaching the range Sergeant begins instructions. "Alright boys you listen and you listen well. You will start with the same drills as yesterday. Disassemble and inspect your weapon. Just like yesterday we are using the standard Enfield No 2 mark 1 revolver. These are most likely to be your side arm in any sort of live combat. Being a .38 caliber round it's not meant for major amounts of damage. It's effective distance is only 13 meters. However the bullets can travel at max 182 meters but you won't be killing anything at that range."

  We all line up along the bench pistols remain in place as he speaks. "The muzzle velocity is also 189 meters per second. As you can clearly see this has 6 shots. So if it comes down to it, Make. Them. Count. Now begin your inspection. And look carefully. I don't want to see a single gun jam during this firing exercise."

   The basic disassembly for inspection is to remove the main cylinder and check for any blockages. In each of the six chambers and the main barrel itself. Inspect the firing pin to ensure it will release as intended for a double action when pulling the trigger.

  My gun knowledge is only from books however. Today will be the first time firing one. Aunt Mito definitely didn't like guns around.

  I'm the last to reassemble my gun. Leorio just before me. I wanted to inspect as carefully as possible. Once I'm finished Knuckle comes around and gives each of us 6 bullets.

   "When I give the word, load your weapons. Then point them down range like you are aiming at some jerries during the Great War. If I see anyone point the end of that gun anywhere other than down range, you will be out of this army faster than you can say Buckingham."

   It's a nervous feeling in my chest. To learn to use something capable of killing a man dozens of meters away. Something capable of killing a man in general.

   "Load your guns and you may begin firing. I will be evaluating you with each of your accuracy."

   A flurry of shots fills my ears as I take aim and fire my first shot. Landing center mass. Second shot fired hits a centimeter lower than the first. I fire three more shots, all within close vicinity of the first. I raise the sights higher aiming for the head for my final shot.

   Then I hear knuckle yell and another shot ring out. My final shot misses it's target completely. I lost my balance when someone bumped my leg.

"Alright who made me miss that shot?" I ask. But looking around everyone is staring at me wide eyed. "What?"

I look down the line and see Knuckle had Stoller pinned down. "Gon are you ok?" Leorio asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

He points down to my leg. I follow his finger down and see red emerging from behind my leg. Soaking into my pants, going down to my boots.

   "Ah. That's why."

I feel a numbness spread in my leg as I realize what's happened, I've been shot. I fall to one knee and clutch my leg trying to stop the bleeding.

   "Fuck me! What in gods name happened?" I ask Leorio who has dropped down beside me.

   "What you think mate? Who else would have bloody shot you? Christ that doesn't look good." He tears my right pant leg and rips it into strips.

  "I assume you know how to make a quick tourniquet?"

   I nod feeling my stomach turn slightly.  So this is how getting shot feels. Not too painful but that may be cause of the small caliber. I tie the strips tightly just above the wound to slow the bleeding. The pain increases and dulls again to a thudding sensation with the circulation cut off.

   "Paladiknight! Take Freecse to the infirmary. The rest of you! Back to the barracks on the double!" Knuckle orders.

The rest of the squad does as ordered some taking a moment to check on me.

"Can you stand?"

"Yeah. Just give me a second." I grip the bench and heave myself up. Blood pools out of the wound. But the pain isn't too severe.

"C'mon mate. Lean against me and we will get ya there. Don't need you losing more blood."

I nod and place my arm on his shoulders. Together we half walk half limp to the infirmary.

"Look at the bright side Leorio. You get to see your favorite person on base."

"Quiet you cock. This is barking mad that Stoller would actually shoot you. I imagine if Sergeant hadn't noticed you could be dead. He actually is off his nut."

"I'll be fine. We just have the nurse stitch me up and I'll be right."

"How can you be so calm 'bout bein' shot? Eh? You realize they might discharge you on account of injuries."

"Oi don't joke like that one. Looking at it, the bullet is lodged in my calf. Nothing major. Few days rest and I'll be fine. Not like Andy with the bone poppin' out."

  "That's a bullet Gon. They may discharge you on the fact you won't be able to run."

  "Just watch me."

He shakes his head. I can tell he's worried. I won't tell him but of course I'm just as worried about it. The entry hole burns from the heat and residual gun powder. Causing me to wince.

"Word of advice Leorio. Don't get shot."

"Our training has gone all to cock because some barmy dog shot ya."

"I'll be fine mate. Get it cleaned up, get the bullet out and stitch it closed. I'll be running circles round ya again in no time."

Leorio rolls his eyes and the walk continues in silence till we reach the infirmary and enter. The nurse at the desk immediately guides us to one of the bed and calls for Bisky.

Another man in a white doctors jacket comes up before her. "I'm Doctor Patterson. Let me have a look at that wound you got."

I turn onto my side so he has a clear view of my leg. He holds a torch and shines the light into the small hole.

"By the looks of it, it's about half way in. I don't think it's hit the bone. We will numb the area and get it out."

"No. No anesthesia. No need to put me on see doc. Just hold me down and stitch me up."

"It'll hurt like hell you know that?"

"I'm not risking a day of training just for a bullet."

He nods. "Nurse Bisky! Bring towels, sponges, disinfectant and sutures. A piece of round wood as well."

Before long Bisky arrived with the materials. The doctor hands me the piece of wood. "Bite down on this."

I do as instructed and give him a signal to begin. Bisky moves the curtain blocking Leorio from view. The doctor puts on his gloves and grabs a set of long surgical pliers.

Without warning he pushes them into the wound and my teeth grit on the wood. The wound is burning like fire. The pain causing me to sweat. My leg clenches and Bisky holds it down to make sure I don't thrash. My hands are clenched so tight my nails bite in and cause bleeding in my palms.

The pain spreads through my leg over what feels like hours but is done in just a few minutes. The bullet being removed. "Your in luck young man. It's in one piece. No fragmentation."

Sweat trickles off my face, my breathing heavy. "I'll give you a moment before I continue."

I shake my head and give him a thumbs up. Finish the job doc.

"You are a strange cadet. Nurse, give him some towels so he doesn't damage his hands further."

  She hands me a pair of towels to grip. Within moments I feel the needle puncture my skin, the wood cracking under my teeth. This isn't going to be fun.

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