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                               Killua POV

   Those first few days I was feeling every amount of regret someone could have. The way it was going, I'd have two tasks a day for training. Meeting with each one individually. Then I started having all at once. Everything in one day. Combat, torture and guns training.

   You ever try to hold a rifle after several hours of swinging swords and trading blows? My arms could barley move. When I fired, I was a worse shot than when I started. I was struggling to keep my energy and strength up when I would train with Uvo and Feitan.

  Granted as the days and weeks passed it came easier. After what all was thrown at me, I feel more prepared. In the end I don't regret it. When the final day of training with the troupe came I wasn't sure what to think. All of them were proud of the progress I had made.

   That night the troupe left the grounds of the estate. I tried to convince them to at least stay for dinner, but they declined. They had to meet up with other members according Phinks. It was a bitter sweet night as Gotoh and the rest of our butler staff prepared a feast. None of us knew when the next time we would have dinner together again would be. Illumi would go with me to the Lichterfelde Barracks. But it wouldn't be long before he was to go to another base in Germany to aid training tank operators or some other vehicular training.

Now we stand at the gates of the infamous barracks. Well groomed soldiers patrolled the grounds. The guards at the gate hardly gave us a look when we arrived. "Well Illumi. This is it."

"Jawohl. Three weeks flew by, and now we are tasked with training the future of the SS. Well specially you are."

"Thanks. Not like I didn't have enough pressure on my shoulders." The anxiety is eating me up inside. If I can't train the cadets to the proper standards father will be furious.

We take our first steps on the grounds, following the brick path to the main office building. All around us trainees were hard at work. Most of which with a steely look in their eyes. Determined and focused. You could stand right next to them and they wouldn't even realize.

   I almost trip into the stairs of the building watching them. "Vorsichtiger Bruder." Illumi says clasping my shoulder. "Father wouldn't be happy if you made a fool of the Zoldyck name because you tripped on some stairs."

"Yeah. Thanks Illumi."

   We enter the door to find the interior clean and spotless. The facility is still pretty knew if I recall correctly. In the main lobby a single man is standing. Standing straight with hands behind him. His blonde hair is longer than what would be considered regulation. His gaze is locked on us. A blue grey color like cold metal.

   "Welcome gentlemen. I have been tasked with meeting with you upon arrival and giving you a tour of our facility. My name is Kurapika Müller. Senior SS Cadet."

   "I am Illumi Zoldyck and this is my younger brother Killua Zoldyck. Forgive me if this comes out rude, but when do we meet with your commander?"

   "The primary commander of this location is Hauptmann Otto. He is currently occupied with other tasks. However, once you meet with him, the transfer of power will begin. I've been instructed to tell you, Killua would take charge of my platoon. Illumi is to assist until his transfer to Aachen-Merzbrück. In which he will assist in Luftwaffe training."

"Aachen-Merzbrück? Isn't that just a small civilian airfield?"

"It was until recently being claimed by the military. Now if you would please, we cannot afford to delay further. We must get you accustomed to the grounds and ready. A very strict schedule is followed here." The blonde says with a touch of annoyance.

We nod silently and he leads us through the main building. Pointing out areas of importance. Including a small office that I will be using when needed. Up next we passed the main grounds. A large yard where the cadets would train. Expansive enough for several platoons to all be efficiently trained at the same time.

Closer by is the barracks for the cadets. It's cleaner than I had anticipated. Grandfather once spoke of a English barracks he had visited once. He described it as filthy and dull. This barrack is clean, orderly and I dare say luxurious in its own way. An air of regality. He then showed us to the Officers barracks. The officers had their own rooms and amenities. Larger bed, private restroom and the sort. Much nicer than what the trainees have to sleep in.

   The rest of the facility he showed was about the same. State of the art infirmary, a standard mess hall. I found the rest rather dull until we came to the shooting range. Beginning with the armory itself. The gun racks were loaded with models from every size and shape. MP 34s and MP 35s. Sauer 38Hs, Mausers, Lugers. Karabiner 98 As and Bs and even Gewehr 98 sniper rifles.

"I could have a field day of my own in here. Cover all the bases here in gun training?" I ask

"We do. We even have some prototype models for officers to use. We were actually instructed to let you personally test a new one."

He walks to the back and opens a crate and shuffled around it for a moment. He comes back with a gun with an unfamiliar design.

"This is the MP40. Lighter but also longer than the previous MP35. From what we have been told the effective range is about similar. Higher muzzle velocity, more rounds per minute, and more versatile in way of magazine."

He hands me the weapon to inspect it. It feels slightly lighter than it's predecessor. The loading magazine on the underside instead of the side. "By the looks of the design you could actually get a dual magazine on this. Double your ammo count but also comes the risk of less stability."

"Hence why you are to test this prototype in some scenarios when the opportunity presents itself. Should it be effective they will be put into production."

"I look forward to it. I have high hopes for these weapons and the trainees." I say to him.

"Don't hold back on us, sir." He gives me a salute.

I return his gesture. This will take some getting used to.


(Authors notes) so I've brought up some terms in previous chapters and this one. Oberleutnant and Hauptmann. Both are ranks in the German military. The first is the equivalent of a First Lieutenant. The second would be the equivalent of a Captain. So yes Killua is high in rank but below the commander here. If you are seeing this I've likely edited it in previous chapter. A mistake on my part. Remembering ranks of military I was never good at. So I do apologize. As I write further I realize I have start worrying about military ranks and whatnot. But keep in mind i will be sticking close to the events of real history. So once again if any part of the Second World War makes you uncomfortable, I would recommend reading another story.

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