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                                   Gon POV

Dear Aunt Mito
We are entering our fourth week of basic training now. I'm sorry for the delay of letters the past few weeks, Sergeant has been keeping us busy.

I met the Colonel a couple weeks ago face to face. He knew my father! Even gave me a letter written from him. I'm still a long way off from my goal of reaching him but after that note, I feel so much closer.

Not much new here at the base. Training every day. Since the weeks have passed we lost another five cadets. But on the bright side I made a friend here. A man from London. When we started he was probably the worst of the cadets. Now he's at the same standing with the sergeant as I am.

I hope you are doing well and not worrying too much. I have to be going off to bed, we are beginning firearms training in the morning! I hope to hear from you soon!

                                       With love, Gon.

I look over my letter once more before folding it away and placing it under my pillow so I can send it away in the morning.

  "Oi, Gon." Leorio calls to me entering the mostly empty barrack. "It's not even 1900 mate. You hitting the bunk already?" He asks.

  "No no. Was just taking care of something. A letter."

   "Ohhh~? Got a lady friend waiting for you back home eh?" He lightly elbows me winking. "Ahh, fuck off you cock!"

   "Nothing like that. I don't have this "lady friend" that you speak of." I answer with finger quotes. "A letter to my aunt back home. Haven't sent anything in the past few weeks. Sure she is worried as the queen is when she can't find her crown."

   "You write to your family eh?" He crashes down onto my bunk. "Don't think any of my family care one pound about me."

I raise a brow curious. "What do you mean?"

"Well they didn't want me to join. In account of my grandad. He was in the service and died in a battle. They didn't want me to be lost the same way."

   He sits up resting on his arm on his leg. "So when I didn't listen their way of coping was acting like I didn't exist. All of them except my dad that is. It was his dad that was in the army. He respected and somewhat supported my decision in secret."

  I sit on the bunk opposite of him interested. "The day before I was to come out to basic my dad pulled me aside and told me he was proud of something he couldn't do. Something he was scared to do. Unfortunately it was the last we spoke. He didn't see me off. Nor did anyone else at that."

   He hangs his head and rubs his eyes groaning. "Bloody hell mate. I'm sorry. What kinda family does that to one of their own?" I ask.

  He chuckles. "Not much worse than yours you idiot. Never even known your father yet you want to follow his footsteps." I roll my eyes.

  "Yeah yeah, I'll give you that." I stand up and offer him my hand. "Cmon mate. Let's take a few laps around the base and clear our heads, yeah?"

"You are a freak." He says grinning. "Its 20:00 and you want to go for a run?" He grabs my hand and pulls himself up. "Why not? Means we sleep better."

   We leave the barracks and make our way to the fence surrounding the base. Before reaching it however, the booming voice of Sergeant calls out to us. "Freecss! Paladiknight! What are you two doing out on the perimeter?"

His tone is not harsh but more of curiosity. "Everyone else is spending their free time reading or sleeping early." Since the passing weeks of basic, Sergeant has warmed up to us to a degree. Guess that's what you get when you're the best of the group.

"Out for a jog sir!" We stand at attention quickly answering. "You boys are barmy. Always busting your arses during training, now you come out for a jog. Wish the other buggers were like you two. How about this lads. You two have your run today and tomorrow night you join me and the colonel for poker night eh? He's bringing the good booze."

   "Sir, with all due respect, are we allowed to drink during basic? Pretty sure it breaks a couple rules." I ask. He rolls his eyes. "Listen son, while what you say is true, you have nothing to fear. You two are the hardest working cadets here and deserved some fun as the favorites. Just make sure you aren't completely out of it in the morning."

  I look to leorio who holds a straight face, but the look in his eyes is pleading. I return my gaze to the sergeant. "Thank you sir! We'll be there!"

  Knuckle smiles and salutes us and we quickly return it. "As you were boys. Enjoy your run!" He turns and walks away.

  I return my attention to Leorio who is struggling to hold back his excitement. "Oi! Try not to go mental on me. We aren't going to get lashed you hear me?"

   "Yeah mate I hear ya! I'm still exited to get some bloody booze. I've been needing some these past few weeks."

  "You better. I don't want you to be a complete numpty the next day." We stand by the fence and stretch out our legs.

"Well if you are gonna be such a stick in the mud, let us have a little wager then."

I cock my head at him. "Wager? What do you have in mind?"

"A race. First one to lap the base and get back to this spot first wins. If you when you get to tell me when to stop drinkin. If I win, I'll stop when I bloody feel like it. Deal?" He shoves out his hand waiting for me to shake it.

"All right you nutter. You're on!" I clasp his hand right and shake sealing the deal. "Although if we are gonna race, somebody else should have us start for fairness sake."

He puts his hand to his chin thinking. "Fair point." He points out to one of the cadets walking by. "There's Charles. Let's grab him. OI CHARLES!" He yells over to the cadet grabbing his attention.

   "Yeah? What is it?" Charles asks walking over. "Me an Gon are having ourselves a race and we need someone to start us. Mind lending a hand?" Leorio explains

"Alright mate. Whatever you say. Want me to stay and help determine who arrives first too Incase it's close?"

"That'd be great." I say nodding. With that me and Leorio take position next to each other, ready to take off like a shot.

"When I say go, you start." He says. "Ready, set, GO!"

At his command we begin at a dead sprint. Head to head. The wind rushing in my face and feet pounding hard on the dirt. As we sprint I can't help but notice a crowd of the cadets has built up around watching us. Some even seem to be placing bets.

However in my moment of slight distraction Leorio pulls ahead a few meters. Shaking my head roughly I ignore them and press on harder, determined not to let Leorio win.

(Authors note. Hey everyone! I'm sorry I took so long with chapters lately. I haven't been in the best places mentally. Work is draining among other things. I thank all of you that are patient and sticking around with me and enjoying my stories. I'm sorry if the next chap is extremely slow coming out. Again thank you all so much!

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