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                             Gon POV

    It doesn't take long before my attention is pulled away from the feline on my lap. Killua stood at the tailgate of the truck. His shirt and coat hanging on the back. The electric torch illuminates his features. I can just see his bare chested figure.

    I want him. It's all I can think. I've been near bare chested men numerous times at basic and the barracks. Leorio included. But none match a figure such as his. Slender and sleek like a war ship. His muscles are toned and tight against his skin. Unlike the barrel chested men that reminded me of the armored bulk of a tank. Although to describe him as a warship doesn't feel completely accurate. It's truly like his body was carved from marble by the masters of Ancient Greece. Something that can stand the tests of time for centuries or even millennia.

   I watch as he leans over and pours water over his head before muttering in German. He turns his head towards me and he freezes. Still as a deer in the headlights. His eyes widened slightly. "Now who's giving funny looks?" He asks. His voice is strained as he speaks.

    His words shake me from my thoughts. I hadn't realized I started to bite my lip when I looked at him. Oh Christ. Quickly Freecss, think of something and play it off!

    I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. I feel heat rushing to my face. "Uhm.."

   He rolls his eyes and stands straight staring at me. The slightest hints of pink showing at his cheeks. My eyes travel down from his face to his chest and abdomen before going back to his face again. God, you could grind meat on those abs. I clear my throat. "Let me help you with your hair. She can wait." I stand holding the cat in my arms.

   I walk closer to him and place the feline in the back of the truck. She walks around sniffing and inspecting items. "Gon I can clean my own hair." He says defensively. He crossed his arms. His body seems to tense up with each passing moment.

    "I'm sure. But it's also my fault the mud is there in the first place. I'll make sure it all gets out." I say.

   He turns away, his back to me. I can no longer see his face. "I'll use one of the truck mirrors." He replies. His tone sounds hard. Forced even. "Why are you so insistent on helping me? Do you not remember that I was your captor? That I abused you and now your life is in potentially more danger cause of me?"

    He says the truth. He was my captor. But I've been thinking about it for a few hours now. So I have my own truth. "You also gave me the potential to see my home again. Even if it's minor. You could have taken my life when you found me and you didn't. If anything..." I pause and step a bit closer. I place my hand to his shoulder and I can feel his muscles tighten under my palm. For a moment I fear he may turn around and strike me.

   "I owe you my life... If we make it to England, or anywhere out of this conflict, I will make it up to you properly. So let me do this." I finish, hesitating slightly. I want to say more. To say what I feel when I look at him. Now is not the time for that.

   He hesitates before he takes a deep shuddering breath. I feel if I said any more, he would be even more tense. "Fine. Fine. You won't give in will you?" He asked me.

    "Guilty as charged." I laugh a little. "Here. I'll put the tailgate down so you can sit." I remove my hand from his shoulder and turn to the truck. The hinges squeal as the gate swings down. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him slowly place a hand where mine had been on his shoulder.
    Killua turns back to me for a moment before lifting himself slightly with his hands and sitting on the truck bed. He hands me the canteen he was holding and leans over slightly. Behind him the cat had come closer and sat at his back.

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