Chapter: 5

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                           Gon Pov

      "Alright boys! Breakfast is over! Try not to loose it while you go through the obstacle course!" Sergeant yells through the dining hall. "Hope you can keep it in Leorio." I nudge him with my elbow and he groans.

    "I think I had too many eggs." He complains holding his stomach. "C'mon you cock. You will be fine. Just keep it in so you don't balls up the obstacle course. Nobody wants to crawl through your breakfast chunks." I say to him patting his back.

    "Yeah, yeah mate." He rolls his eyes and we jog over to formation and wait for the squad to line up. Sergeant stands upfront inspecting us as we line up. He raises an eyebrow at Leorio. "Looking green there Paladiknight. Feeling alright son?"

     "I'm fine, sir! Merely had too many eggs." He says standing straight. Knuckle nods and resumes walking around and inspecting the cadets as they line up.

   The last cadet lined up and sergeant takes a long look at him. "Well aren't you a josser? You look like you rolled in your food. Did you even get it in your mouth ya numpty?!"

    He continued to yell at the cadet scolding him for being sloppy. He continues to stand straight seemingly unfazed by sergeants harsh words he was shouting in his face. I take a look and notice he almost seems to be trying to hold back tears. "Yes sir!" He says as best he can muster but it sounds weak.

    "What was that ya wee kitten? Find your voice!" Sergeant commands. "YES SiR!" He says loudly his voice cracking turning high. "They let you into the service? You sound like your stones haven't even dropped yet." Knuckle rolls his eyes and walks to the front.

    "Alright lads! Let's work off that breakfast ya had. First a five kilometer run before we head to the obstacle course. First to lose their eggs will be cleaning the barracks!" He says pacing back and forth in front of us. "Freecss, lead us in cadence!"

    "Yes sir!" I respond. He motions for us to begin marching. I begin to call the cadence sergeant had used before breakfast. I call the rest follow the next line and so on. I need to talk to Sergeant about making some new ones. This one will get old quick.

     "Alright boys! You got 5 minutes to catch your breath and get some water. Wellsprin! You better be ready to clean the barracks!" Knuckle yells at us directing the rest to the other cadet who hangs his head in defeat.

    "Glad I was able to keep it in. Wasn't easy I'll tell ya that." Leorio says to me as we get some water. "No kidding. Sergeant is a man of his word it seems." I reply after quickly downing my water. "Hope you can keep holding it cause we still got the course to get through."

    "What? That doddle? Piece of cake my friend. That is unless someone makes it go all to cock." He says stretching. I cross my arms. "I wouldn't be so sure of that. Sergeant likes training to be slow and painful and take his time slowly breaking out bodies."

      Knuckle calls for us to return to formation and line up at the start of the course. "Alright ya gits. Here's how this is gonna go. Today, you will go one by one by my choosing. Fastest time gets more food at suppa. Slower time....well let's get that for a surprise eh?"

     "Gon Freecss! You're up first!" He says calling me up. "Yes sir!" I run over to the start. "This will be fun." I think to myself.

     I collapse panting after finishing the last obstacle on the course. My entire body refusing to move. "Five minutes Freecss. Not bad, not great either. Given it's your first run I wasn't expecting you to break records. Get yourself a drink. If you pass out I'm making you go again while the squad throws rocks at you." Knuckle says kneeling down to me.

"Yes.....sir!" I gasp. My arms and legs feel like jelly. I look over and Leorio looks at me with a worried expression. I give him a thumbs up. "You'll be fine. Maybe." I say to him and he rolls his eyes. He still looks worried. I slowly stand up trying to steady myself and shakily walk over to the water table.

That was worse than I was expecting. I pride myself on my strength and endurance but that course could be considered another level of hell. I pick up a cup of water and quickly drink it. "I wonder if anyone will beat my time?" I ask myself quietly.

     I reach for another cup of water when a scream rings out. I jump startled and turn towards the course where the scream came from. I look and see Wellsprin on the ground clutching his arm. "FUCK ME MOTHERS ARSE!" He exclaims in obvious pain. "My blummin' arm is all knackered!"

     I quickly run over to investigate. "Sergeant! What happened?" I call out to him. "Well this knobhead fell off the climbing wall. Now his arm is about as useful as a bullet without a gun." He says to me kneeling next to the pained man.

     Wellsprin's arm is in a S shape. It's bending the wrong way at the elbow and has split the skin revealing some bone. One of the other cadets sees and immediately proceeded to loose whatever food was in his stomach.

    "Your service days are over before they even began son." Knuckle says to wellsprin. "Paladiknight! Go fetch Nurse Bisky at the infirmary." Leorio salutes promptly. "Yes sir!" He runs off quickly. "The rest of ya, Atten HUT!" We all proceed to form up quickly and stand at attention.

    Knuckle turns to us now ignoring the groaning man on the ground. "Take a good look. An injury here isn't the end of the world. An injury like that gets you discharged. However an injury like that on the battlefield can mean life or death. Every action you take could be the difference from surviving, and being shipped home in a casket." He says to us marching back and forth.

     "Here we have nurses and doctors at the ready to treat an injury at a moments notice. On the frontlines, you don't have that luxury. A bullet to the arm could mean death. A twisted ankle could mean death. You boys best remember this. Cause if you trip and twist your ankle and the enemy stands above you gun ready. Well....all you can do then is say your prayers before the last thing you hear is the gun going off."

(Authors note. IM BACK!! Still alive! I'm so so so so sorry for making all of you wait so long for a story update. Went though a few issues, got sick, had a spell of writers block, became too occupied with work and I just didn't have time. But everything is all settled and will hopefully be back to normal. I'm gonna do another chapter of TA before I do the next chapter of DBF. I hope none of y'all left thinking I would never finish these stories. They will get finished and I'll make more stories. Anyway, give me your thoughts on the chapter. I hope it's a good way for me to come back. See ya later!

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