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"This plan is crazy, Zoldyck. You do realize that." I say to him with a mouthful of bread. To which he shrugs.

"Sometimes the best way to do something is to do something so crazy they wouldn't expect it." He replies. He then pulls his pistol from his hip. "Are you familiar with a Luger?"

I shake my head and take a sip of water from the canteen. "Nah mate. Most of our side arms are Enfield number 2 revolvers."

"Then I'll run you through the basics. This Luger fires 9mm rounds. A 8 round magazine. Effective range is up to 50 meters. So unless I'm mistaken, it should be more powerful than your Enfield."

"Aye, you would be correct. Its firing range is over three times farther." I say marveling at the small handgun. Its design is sleek and fairly simple. Looking at it he had recently cleaned it as well, as the black metal shines like obsidian.

"I'm sure you have fired similar guns. You have probably fired American models as well. So keep your finger away from the slide on top. You will likely break something if you try to use it like a revolver." He slides the gun back into his holster. "So finish eating."

"In a rush?" I ask only half jokingly. It's entirely obvious he's ready to go. Ever since he got back he can hardly sit still. Wiping his palms on his pants. His knee is bouncing rapidly. He couldn't seem to stop himself shifting his gaze every few seconds.

We didn't exactly fill in gaps as we planned. He's mostly kept quiet. I've got to do this and make it look believable. Only one way comes to mind too.

"Of course." He responds keeping his voice low. "The longer I'm here, the more I feel like I'm-" His sentence never finishes as I take that moment and lunge at him. The bread and canteen fell from my hands as I wrapped the rope around his throat.

My momentum and weight take us crashing down to the floor. I keep myself on his chest with the rope digging into the soft flesh of his throat.

He starts gripping at the rope frantically, his eyes wide and face turning red."Fre-cs..." He chokes out tightly. His legs are kicking wildly against the wood as he tries to shift his weight to get me off. I press harder on the ropes when the banging of the door reaches my ears.

When his frantic fighting starts to slow, I loosen the pressure on his throat and reach my hands down to his belt. I pull the Luger and knife out from their holsters. I take the knife and cut my binds at my wrists and ankles quickly. Before he can even recover I'm dragging him up to his feet. I hold the Luger out in front of me and hold him up with the knife to his throat.

"Du wirst dafür bezahlen, du Hurensohn." He mutters at me. His voice comes out more like a wheeze. The look in his face shows anger but his eyes are a mixture of anger and surprise.

"Stop your whining. We are about to be going up Queer Street, and I would appreciate it if you kept your wits about you." I whisper to him harshly. I turn my attention to the door just as it's kicked in. Wood splintering away from the handle and landing on the floor in a clatter.

The two guards come in with guns raised. "DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" I shout at them. I put the barrel of the Luger to Zoldycks head. "DROP 'EM OR YOUR COMMANDERS BRAINS GO TO THE FLOOR!"

They pause for a moment staring at each other before raising their MP40s again. I turn the gun back to them and let off two shots.

The slack jawed surprise registers on their faces. A clean hole between one man's eyes. The other was missing an eye. They crumple over in a heap with their guns crashing against the floor. "Damn it."

"Move! The others will be coming by now!" Killua whispers. I imagine that's all he can manage. "Take a left out of this room and just head straight. Once outside we will take the nearest truck." He falls into a slight coughing fit. I may have made that choking a bit too real.

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