❥ 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡

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The next day I work up in an unfamiliar room. Oh wait, I remembered this! It was the old room I used to stay in the few times I stayed round Henry's house when I was younger.

It hasn't changed a bit, and I loved this room.It brought back memories. Sometimes Henry would help me look after Charlie, when she was a little baby.

I checked the time and it was around 8:15, i was about to get up but then the door flew open.

"Y/N's awake!" Sammy ran in squealing, jumping onto the bed, inches away from crushing my legs. "Hi Y/N! I heard you were at the hospital!"

"Yeah Sammy, I was. But I'm okay now, see?" I smiled, and he smiled back at me.

Charlie came in soon after, telling us that breakfast was ready. It felt bad that Henry went through the effort to make such a big breakfast, but it was bloody delicious.

After breakfast I made sure to take one of my new tablets (pills for Americans :^) and since I wasn't allowed to work that day as I apparently needed to rest, I offered to take care of Charlie and Sammy that day, it took Henry a while but he finally let me.

The day went alright, I took them to the park in the morning, and soon it came to lunchtime and... did they want to go anywhere else but?

Freddy's. Bless em' though, they really must love it there. So we walked to Freddy's to get one of the "best pizzas ever" according to Sammy.

Henry was delighted to see us once we arrived, although he was worried for me, but I managed to persuade him that I'd be okay.

As I was sat munching on a juicy pepperoni pizza slice, I noticed Foxy in pirate's cove wasn't moving all that much. He seemed to be in some sort of mind of his own. For a second I swore he looked me dead in the eyes.

Anyway, I was snapped out of my little thinking session by a hand landing on my shoulder, gently. I jumped a little, almost choking on my food.

"Hello darling, I'm surprised to see you here."

I looked up at the all too familiar man. "So am I." I laughed.

I'd felt a little... suspicious ever since the day before. What I saw when I fell unconscious, it looked so real...

Gah, the nurse did mention stress can have effects on the brain. I was probably just seeing things that I'd made up in my head.

"Henry's kids dragged me here." I rolled my eyes and smiled, watching as Charlie held Sammy's hand whilst they walked up to the stage with all the other kids. She seemed protective over her little brother, I found it quite sweet.

Someone came and took the empty pizza plate away, and I moved up so William could sit next to me, clearly that's what he was waiting for.

"Y/N, can I ask you something?" he asked, softly.

"Yeah 'course!"

"Well, I know this may be a little spontaneous but... would you like to go out for a drink with me tonight? Perhaps for dinner too?"

"Wait, really?"

"Of course."

Every single thought I'd had left my mind and I giggled like a school girl. No one had ever asked me out for dinner like like that... even if it was only as friends.



I snapped my head to face William, his shiny silver eyes smiling into mine. "Oh, yes! Sorry, just- no one's asked me that before."

"Really? I am surprised."

Oh my god. My face was probably turning more than red, but I hid it behind a shy smile. I was a mess. William chuckled at this.

"I'll see you at 8 then?" I nodded in return, and before he left he placed his hand on top of mine and gave it a quick squeeze.

After he left the room I slammed my head on the table. My cheeks were burning-

Sammy ran over with Charlie and they asked what William had said to me, I told them I was going to go out to dinner so I wouldn't be at theirs for much longer.

"Y/N, do you have a crush on Mister William?" Sammy asked, and I immediately laughed out loud, almost choking for a moment.

"Me? Crush!? No!"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Charlie nudged Sammy as if to say "stop embarrassing her". I laughed a little at this.

Once they left I felt myself smile again. God, I think those pills either made me too happy or I was just...

No, I wasn't like...

I think I had a crush on William Afton.

❥ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥 - ⚠︎︎𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⚠︎︎Where stories live. Discover now