☠︎︎ 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 ☠︎︎

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The new book is still going ahead! But I'll still continue with this one too. Hope I haven't p1ssed too many of you off😂


"Oh my goodness! My Y/N is going on a date!" Henry shook me in excitement.

I'd told Henry I was going out for dinner with someone. I didn't even say who! And I never said it was a date!

My face was bright red and I hated it.

"How many times have I told you, it's not a-"

"She's going with Mr William!" Charlie screamed as we approached Henry's car.


Henry dropped his keys and looked at me dead in the eyes. "You're going on a date with... Will?"

"I- I uh... look it's not a date! He just asked me to go to dinner for Christ sake!-"

"Y/N's got a crush on Mr William!" Sammy screamed, Henry was quick to shush him.

"Y/N, just remember to... be safe." Henry said and gave me a hug before I turned to walk home. "I love you and I'm happy for you!"

"Love you too!" I said and plugged my headphones in soon after as I began making my way back.

One the way home I skipped and jumped a few times. I was acting like a giddy school girl, even though I know it wasn't even a 'date' right? Yeah, William calls me 'love' and 'darling' but surely he calls every woman that.

When I got home however, my giddy spirits were soon gone when I walked in to the sight of Dad, laying on the sofa, half asleep with a bottle of beer in his hand. Mum was nowhere to be seen.

I tried to quietly walk past him, but he soon snapped awake.

"Wh- oh, hello Y/N. What are you doing!?"

"Uh- I'm... going to the kitchen..." I said nervously. "Erm, also where's my mother?"

"Uh- she's uh... not here."

"Right, I can see that. Where is she?"

"I dunno! Stop asking so many questions!"

"Okay, if you find me so annoying why did you come back here? What the fuck are you even doing here!?" I said and stepped back a little once he slammed his feet on the floor and stood up, wincing a little and grabbing his back.

"Look, you stuck up little shit. I may not give a fuck about you but I'm here for ya mother, alright?" he burped mid sentence. "She earns some money now, free sex, great life. And I don't need you getting in the way. You've always just got in my way!" he was clearly drunk because he was slurring on his words. Not that he didn't usually act like this anyway.

"Just fuck off! I'd rather not have a bloody dad than have you! Go back to fucking jail where you belong!" I screamed and as I was about to turn to go down the corridor, I was grabbed by the shirt and pulled over.

"You fuckin' what!? If you don't keep your little mouth shut-" he hiccuped.

I quickly got to my feet. "Don't touch me!"

"Or what little girl? What are you gonna do!" he said, grabbing my arm and keeping a firm grip on it.

"G-get the fuck off me! You stink!" I winced as he gave my arm a hard tug.

"Want me to break this delicate little arm of yours?"

"Oh, please fucking do! I'd rather be in a fucking hospital than this house! Why have you even fucking come back!?"

He let go of my arm, but I was suddenly greeted by a hard punch 'round the face. I held back many tears as I was about to shout again, but couldn't. I backed away, and he looked at his hand for a second, as if regretting what he did; but he just went and sat back down on the sofa.

"Get lost you stupid little shit!" he shouted and popped open a new bottle of beer.

I stormed to my room, slamming the door. I fucking hated this. I wish I was at Henry's again. Or somewhere that's not at this stupid house. Anywhere.

I heard Dad leave the house, and I let out a sigh of relief when I did.

After I managed to calm down and gather myself, I had to think of what to do. If mum came back later that night, I'd try to talk to her. She'd see the stupid black eye that fucker had given me. Maybe she'd realise he's still the abusive, drinking dick head he always was. She didn't realise because she was so desperate for more money, or a man. No, that wouldn't work. I'd be better off leaving them to it.

But I didn't want to let him take her away from me again. Not again.

I decided to write it down in my notepad. Guess I could call it my 'diary'. The same book I drew and wrote about those animatronic ideas I had. The same book that William took from me that night and wouldn't give it back and I had to jump up to try grab it from him.

I laughed at the thought, and smiled, flicking to an empty page. I grabbed a pencil and decided to write down my feelings from the last week. I guess it could be called my ranting book. I wrote down stuff down about how I was finding my new job, what it was like, about Mum, Dad, and how helpful Henry was, and then...

I moved on to ranting about William, without even realising at first. God, could I even start? I'd not known that man long, only a couple weeks, and he'd already saved my life, practically twice, he always called me nicknames which I hated, but also they made me feel all fuzzy inside. Like a giddy school girl with her first boyfriend. God, just... the way he was with me made me feel so...

Wait, William! I was meant to be meeting him in like... an hour and a bit!

I quickly stood up, smiled and slammed the book shut with a giggle, and turned on the radio whilst I went to go get ready. I checked out my eye, it was looking a bit red and swollen.

"Fucking- ow."

That was gonna bruise up later. I would just cover it up with a bit of makeup, it was fine, surely. No one need know.

I hopped in the shower, washing my hair and body at a fast speed, and then I hopped out, grabbing the towel and hurting back into my room.

After drying my hair off, I tried to find what I could wear. I never really wore anything fancy, I didn't even really have anything. But after some searching, I did find a dress. It was black, with a black ribbon around the middle, it was long sleeves and came down to just above my knees. I put it on and I didn't really know what to think of it. I really never wore things like this, so it felt a little weird.

But, time was ticking on, so I continued to do my hair, and then I tried my best to do some sort of makeup to hide the bruising around my eye. Eh, I guess it did the trick.

I put on my old high tops which I hadn't worn in a while, they probably weren't in the best state, but rather that than my dirty work shoes.

I took one last look at myself. I hoped to god the makeup wouldn't come off, my eye was pretty bruised. I also hoped Dad wouldn't make a return that night.

❥ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥 - ⚠︎︎𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⚠︎︎Where stories live. Discover now