❥ d̶i̶c̶k̶h̶e̶a̶d̶ f̶r̶o̶m̶ d̶i̶c̶k̶v̶i̶l̶l̶e̶

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Third Person POV

"I love you."

William sat himself up a tad.


He was surprised that he'd even stuttered. He didn't think it would be so easy. Y/N had said the three words, the only words he'd ever wanted to hear from her.

Something about William changed that night. Was it for the better? He didn't know. But what he did know, was that he felt something he'd never felt before. Whenever he looked at Y/N, especially now, so vulnerable like this in front of him, he felt something pull at his very heart. He didn't know what 'love' felt like, but this was something... new. He'd smiled for the first time in what felt like years, a smile which he hadn't forced, like most days with Henry constantly in his ear about lawsuits, animatronics, and worst of all, children.

But when William looked at Y/N, another thing he didn't realise at first was that he felt... guilt.

William Afton felt guilty. The man who brutally murdered 5 children, who never gave a toss about anyone, felt guilty.

He struggled to form words. He almost felt weak. No one had ever gotten to him like this before.

His eyes loomed over the only perfect thing in his life, Y/N. Her beautiful eyes made all his thoughts disappear. All that filled his mind was her. And then, something happened. For reasons unknown to William at first, but it happened.


"I love you."

"W-what?" William stuttered.

I lifted my head up ever so slightly. "I-I said I-" then I felt rather embarrassed. I should not have said that. I shouldn't have said it. I shouldn't have-

Suddenly I felt a warm pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Dear, you should go to sleep."

My eyes felt heavy, I let my head gently fall back down onto William's shoulder. As I was drifting off, I felt something warm on my head. William just kissed me on the head.

A felt myself smile, more than I had in quite a while. Soon, sleep overtook me. All the bad things, the worries, disappeared. The only thing that went through my head was that I was with William, and I felt safer than ever.

But you won't for long.

He's not who you think he is.

Just you wait.


7:02 am

My eyes slowly opened, I felt like I'd had the best sleep in decades. I felt comforted by the way William's chest would rise and fall as he softly snored.

Wait, I was on top of William.

But, move I did not, because I was too comfy to. No other explanation needed.

William soon awoke, his eyes fluttering open, only to meet with mine a moment later.

"Hello dear." he smiled at me.

I blushed on the spot and smiled back anyway. I then quickly looked away and attempted to sit up, but William only clasped his arms around me tighter.

"Will, we've gotta go to w-"

William groaned. "Just five more minutes~"

God his voice sounded hot. I blushed like an idiot and hid my face between his shoulder and neck.

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