Oneshot #21 *Am I really Crazy?*

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Words: 2106

Trigger warning:
Mentions of the dead
•Self Harm

Ryan x Tina?

Minecraft Academy
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Ryan can see the dead

Wrote this back in 2020 so information is not updated
•I'm still pretty proud of this chapter, but I'm not planning on finishing it anytime soon


For as long as I can remember, I've always been able to see ghosts. I actually don't know when I started seeing them. I always despised going near the hospital when I was small.
When I was about 5 or 6 years old, my cousin got really sick and was sent to the hospital, so my mother and I went to visit her.

I just remember walking through the halls, and suddenly seeing a man with several holes all over his body and blood oozing out of them.
Next was a woman with her baby covered in burn marks and ash.
I tried telling my mom, but she just said it was my imagination.

Now that I think about it, what 6 year old will want to imagine a gruesome sight of blood.
I suddenly started growing a fear of blood and sharp objects at the age of 8. My mom also noticed how I was paranoid and refused to go outside. I tell her that I see random people ethier covered in blood, burn marks, or that some people have twisted limbs.

She didn't believe me, but she took more precaution. She made sure I wasn't watching anything gruesome on the television.

At the age of 10, she will take me to the doctor because I will have restless nights, and I kept telling her I see ghosts.
Everyday, she made me take pills, even though I didn't want to.

At one point, I started shaking and purposely broke glass so it would cut my hands. I will have nightmares of how every ghost I saw died from their past life. Some weren't too bad, but others made me scream at night.

At the age of 11, I was bullied because I was a crazy kid at school. Many parents will give me nasty looks and tell their kids to stay away from me.

One time, a bunch of older kids shoved me down the basement and lock
me down there. I don't clearly remember what happened in the school basement, but all I know is that the janitor found me screaming and crying while pulling my hair. I ended up in the hospital that night.

Like I said earlier, I despised the hospital, so when they put an IV on my arm, they had to hold me down so I wouldn't pull it out. But there was always a ghost laughing at me and forcing me to pull the iv out.
Once, I refused to take my meds, so the nurses had to shove the pills down my throat while I was screaming for my mother to help me. She just stood there, crying while she did nothing to help me.

Then I grew the fear of the dark, small spaces and doctors.

At the age of 12 I fell into an unhealthy mindset. The doctor made me take more pills, and I always told my mom that I took them, but I just flushed them down the toilet. I knew I wasn't crazy, and I know what I saw.

I didn't have any friends, nor did I want any. They will just make fun of me and turn their back on me when I need them the most. I didn't want to make that mistake again.

My mom got a boyfriend since my dad left us once he found out my mother was pregnant with me.
Her boyfriend was really nice and funny. He always made sure me and my mother were comfortable around him before he did anything.

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