Oneshot #9 *Stuck to the 1920's* Aftermath

351 6 7

Words: 988

Trigger warning:
Panic Attack

Ryan x Tina

Minecraft Daycare

After the portal accident, Tina, Goldy, and Unicorn try and help Ryan, but something happens that causes Ryan a panic attack

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It’s been about 3 months since the portal accident. Unicorn mann closed off the portal until he knew it was safe.
Ryan was the only one who was deeply damaged inside and out. 
He hates when people touch him, he can’t stand being alone for more than 5 minutes, and the sound of glass breaking freaks him out. He’s also way more quiet.
I understand why he’s like this, and boy did I wish I had my lightsaber to kill that man that claims to be his uncle.
Goldy and I try everyday to help Ryan the best way we can. Unicorn mann thought he should go to a therapist, but Ryan said he doesn’t want to talk to a random stranger.

Today, me, Ryan and Goldy were at the play area just playing some board games while Unicorn mann was busy fixing the portal.
All of the sudden, a flying orb came seeding towards us.


Unicorn’s screams were heard as we managed to get out of the way.
The orb went down the stairs and to the lobby.

“Unicorn mann, what was that!?”
I asked while trying to fix the mess the orb left.

“That was from the portal. I’m pretty sure that caused it to malfunction. I just need to replace it. But first, I need to find it before it causes more of a mess.”

“Um, it’s right there.”
Ryan said quietly as he stared at the window where the orb was just floating there.

“Great, now I just need to get it.”
Unicorn said as he put heavy leather gloves and went outside.
We watched him as he carefully got a hold of the orb.
Then it started to withered around, Unicorn’s grip on the orb was starting to loosen up as the orb flew in all directions to get away from Unicorn.

It looked like the orb was controlling Unicorn mann’s body because he came crashing in with no control.
Everything seems to be in slow motion. 
Glass flying everywhere, the orb sped past us and into the art room, Unicorn mann falling to the ground, and Ryan right in front of the whole thing.
I reacted as fast as I could to get Ryan out of the way. I saw a huge piece of glass cut a big slash on his face. As he fell back, I saw the fear in his eyes, all the painful memories were painted in his eyes.

Goldy was a lot closer to him, so she pulled him in to get away from the windows.
I made my way to Ryan and Goldy. I hugged Ryan as he cried and started to shake.
The orb came in and out breaking almost every glass thing there was in the daycare. All the windows were shattered, the glass table was broken beyond repair. The whole daycare was filled with the sound of breaking glass.
Unicorn was running around try to stop that stupid orb, because it was causing Ryan to panic way to much.
I had my hands on his ears to try and muffle the sound, and Goldy had a wet cloth on Ryan’s wound.

Ryan yelled. I buried his face on my neck and rubbed his back. He kept on crying and mumbling things like, ‘Stop it’ and ‘Don’t hurt me anymore’.

The last thing we heard was the orb shattering as Unicorn mann wacked it with his wrench. He looked so pissed off, as he hit it again and again and again and again…

“Unicorn stop it!!!”
I yelled because everytime he hit the broken orb, it caused Ryan to flinch.

Unicorn took heavy breaths as he gripped his wrench even tighter to the point where his knuckles turned white. He slid down the wall. I saw some tears falling down his face as he kept taking heavy breaths. 

Goldy went to go and calm down Unicorn, so I took my attention to Ryan who was still curled up and clinging on to me.

“It’s okay Ryan. He’s not here. No one is going to hurt you anymore.”

“A-are you s-sure?”

I nod and held on to his hand. Ryan looked around the room. He still held on to me like his life depended on it.

He looked down at my hands, and his eyes softened a bit.

“Are y-you okay?”

Confused, I looked down at my hands to see that they were bleeding.

I didn’t even notice

Ryan picked up the wet cloth and wrapped my hands. 
I just looked at the big  bruise he had forming on his right cheek.
Once he finished wrapping my hands, I put them on his cheek and rubbed it slowly.
He kept his eyes on the floor and his hands were shaking alot. I went in for a hug, wanting him to know he’s safe. He hugged me back.  

Ryan has been through way too much, I just want him to be happy again. I know it’s going to take a long time, but I'll do anything for that to happen.

~~~~~Time skip 2 months~~~~~

We managed to fix the entire daycare. We basically remodel the whole thing with Unicorn's wish magic . Now, we call it ‘Daycare Academy’.

I also convinced Ryan to go to a therapist. At first, he was a bit hesitant, but I promised him that I’ll always be there for him so he doesn’t have to be scared.
Now, he’s more open and happy. The sound of glass breaking doesn’t bother him as much as it uses it.
He still has his bad days, but we are all here to help him. 
No matter what.

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