April Fools Special

446 5 4

Words: 512

Trigger Warning:

Ryan x Tina

Minecraft Academy

Happy April Fools! You got to read to find out.... Sorry.



It wasn’t supposed to happen this way!

I was right there!

I could have saved them!




The blood from my dead boyfriend stained my hands.

Ryan’s and Goldy’s blood mixed together on the ground as I saw their lifeless bodies laying on the blood stained grass.

It was just a joke!

It wasn’t meant to kill them!!!

I didn’t want them DEAD!!!!

I put my head on Ryan’s chest as I let myself cry. I grabbed a fistful of his blue, now red shirt.

“Please wake up!”

I picked up my head and looked at his face. I kept on looking at him like a miracle was going to happen, or as if he was going to wake up.

I turn my head to look at Goldy. 

I reached for her hand, and held it tightly against mine.

"Wake up!!!"

I screamed out as I held both Goldy's and Ryan's hands.

"DANM IT!!!!"

I cover my face with my hands not caring if I got blood a

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

The sun was going down, and I was still on the ground, hoping someone will wake me up from this nightmare.

"Why did you do this?"

I pick up my head looking around.


"I know you hate me. But was that really I reason for you to kill me and Ryan?"


"But you did it anyway."

Turn towards Ryan's body.

"I swear.... I-I didn't mean to!"

A light blinded me, so I used to my arm to cover my eyes.



I wake up on the couch inside of the Academy.
I rub my eyes and scratch my head.

Just a nightmare.

"Hey Tina."

I turn around to see Cookie playing video games.

"Oh, hey Cookie."

I look around hoping in finding Ryan and Goldy.

"Hey Cookie? Where's Ryan and Goldy?"

"You don't remember?
They died, so-...."

I quickly turn to face her.

"WHAT!?!?!?! T-they DIED!?!"

Cookie looked at me weird and paused her game.
I stood up from the couch and walk around my mind fulled with panic.

"You okay Tina?"

I turn around to see Ryan and Goldy with some snacks.

"Oh crap! I thought you were dead!"

I hurried and hugged Ryan.

"I mean, me and Goldy died in the game so we went to go get some snacks from the cafeteria."

I let out my breath and signed.

"Yeah, what did you think I mean?"
Cookie asked while still sitting in the couch.

"Nothing.... nothing at all..."


Happy April Fools! :3

I hope all you guys are safe and healthy.

Stay at home, try not to go outside if it's not necessary.

(I haven't step a foot outside in two weeks...)

Remember to wash your hands, and don't touch your face with dirty hands.

Stay safe.


~Primrose_the_second 🌹

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