Oneshot #20 *Je vais te tuer... Pt.2*

143 2 0

Words: 575

Trigger warning:


Minecraft Academy

An incident happens where everyone is speaking a different language

•Part 2 is not completed
Unicorn is still dean
•I’m using google translate so I don’t know if the spelling 100% correct
•I’m going to translate all the non-english words so you don’t have to do it yourself :)
Title: I’m going to kill you… [French]
Unicorn Mann

I went down to the secret lab with a very angry Ryan following behind me.
Once we made it to the lab, I got straight to work on making a new gadget to fix everything. Ryan sat down on one of the chairs, staring at a bunch of blue prints I had spread out on the table.

“Alors dites-moi, pourquoi avez-vous pensé que c'était une bonne idée de donner le gadget à Goldy?”
(Translation [French]: “So tell me, why did you think it was a good idea to give the gadget to Goldy?”)

“I thought it was a random metal block! I didn’t know it was going to change the way everyone talks.”
I responded. I really did not want Ryan to be angry at me. 

I looked through many boxes so I could grab parts for the new gadget.
Once I filled my arms with parts, I dumped them on the table.

“Alors. Toute idée sur la façon dont tu vas faire ça?
(Translation [French]: “So. Any idea on how you're gonna do this?”)

Ryan asked with his arm crossed.

“I have the metal block here. I can open it up to see what's inside, and I can try to reverse the effects.”

“Tu fais tu.”
(Translation [French]: “You do you.”)

___Time skip___

I was still trying to figure out, how the hell can a simple metal block can change someone’s language?!
Opening it up was a fail because it was a solid piece of metal.

It had no wires, no breadboard, no resistors, no connector carrier, no integrated circuit, and definitely no coding required.
(Finally the coding class I took comes in handy)

My wish magic was also a failure. I don’t even know how or why it doesn’t work. It’s like the chunk of metal is preventing me from using my wish magic to solve the problem.
I just wanted to give up right then and there. Ryan looked bored out of mind. He laid his head on his arms and played with a random screw that was on the table.

My phone started ringing, so I left the metal block alone and went to go answer the call.

“¡Oye Unicornio!”
(Translation [Spanish]: “Hey Unicorn!”)

(I’m pretty sure you guys know what this means…)

“¿Recuerdas a ese chico, cabeza de metal?”
(Translation [Spanish]: “Remember that metal head guy?”

A groan of frustration escaped my lips, and I just handed my phone to Ryan.
He grabs the phone, no questions asked and just listens to Goldy. 4 minutes later, he hangs up and hands me back my phone.

“Tête métallique est ici.”
(Translation [French]: “Metal head is here.”

Great. Just great. Not only do I have a bunch of students that don’t speak English, I’m also going to deal with a bad guy who is way too powerful for my wish magic.

I banged my head on the table about 12 times until I finally got up and headed outside.
I went to the elevator, Ryan trailing behind me. 

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