Oneshot #8 *A crack on the Ice*

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Words: 767
Trigger Warning: Bad Language

Tina, Ryan, Goldy, and Unicorn mann went Ice skating.
The ice cracks and someone falls in.
(Ryan x Tina)

(Goldy x Unicorn mann)


I turn around and Tina receives me with a bone crushing hug.

"Hi Tina~"
I manage to wheeze out.

"Everyone is going ice skating. Want to come?"

"Sure, I wasn't doing anything to begin with."

Tina grabbed my hand as she lead me to the portal.
Everyone was there and Unicorn was putting the location.

"3...2...1... GOOO!!!"


We all came out with winter gear on, and some ice skates on hand.
In front of us, was a frozen lake filled with other kids and families.

"Come on, let's go!"
Tina excitedly held my hand and dragged me towards the frozen lake.

We put on our ice skates, and slid across the lake.

》《》《》Time Skip《》《》《

"This is way too hard."

I kept on falling on the cold ice, soul reason cause I don't know how to skate.

"Come on, it's easy."

Tina let her hands out, and I gladly accepted them.
She pulled me closer as I tried not to fall.

"You see? It's not that hard."
She let go, and I was on my own.
I slid a bit far from her, but I still was able to maintain my balance.

A flash of purple and yellow zoomed in front of me.
I turn a bit, still keeping my arms out so I can't fall.
Goldy and Unicorn were spinning around, holding hands as they fall.

They started to giggle, but a loud noise interrupted them.

A crack.

Everyone stood still, knowing that if they moved, it will get worse.

I look up at Tina as she looked at me with fright full eyes.

"Don't. Move."

I realized the crack was right under me.
I tried not to move, but I was losing my balance.

Unicorn mann was the closest to me, he slowly got up and extended his hand.
I tried reaching for it without moving alot.
But I couldn't.

I look around to see that most of the people where off the ice.

And to be honest...
I was scared.

Another loud crack filled my ears.
I closed my eyes and let out shaking breaths of air.

Time past and a few firefighters came, and tried to get as much people as possible off the ice.

They manage to get Tina and Goldy out.

The only ones on the ice were me, and Unicorn.

Unicorn whispered calming words so I wouldn't get a panic attack.

Unicorn's wish magic wasn't working at the time.

That would have been very helpful now.

"You think you can reach my arm?"

I lead out my arm to try and grab the firefighter, but I couldn't reach.

Two more cracks were heard.

Everyone stayed silent.

A few tears fell, cause I didn't really want to die.

I was able to see Tina crying as she latched on to Cookie.

I smiled at her as another crack was made, and I fell into the cold water.


Unicorn Mann
I watched as my best friend fell into the cold freezing water below him.

Tina's screams were heard as she just witness Ryan fall.

I didn't waste any time as I dove into the water ignoring the Police's and Firefighter's yells.

The cold water didn't really affect me, and I was able to see in the dark.

All I see was Ryan slowly falling.
His eyes closed and his hair flowing freely around his extremely pale face.

I swam even faster at the sight of Ryan unconscious.
I grabbed him, and started swimming towards the surface.

I let out a big breathe of air, as I pulled Ryan's face out of the water.

My arms were shaking just of the thought that Ryan was dying.
I felt a hand pull me and Ryan out of the water.

They took us out if the ice, and put a blanket around me.

Goldy was hugging, trying not to look at how the firefighters were doing CPR on Ryan.

Tina was next to me, crying and burying her face against Tony.

A gagging sound was heard as Ryan spits out water from his lungs.

He fell back down, eyes barely opened and his pale hands shaking uncontrollably.

Someone put an oxygen mask on him, as they pulled him up and put him in the back of an ambulance.

"You did good kid."
An officer pat my back.
I just nodded eyes still glued to the snowy ground.

I just hope I was fast enough.

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