Oneshot #3 *Jealousy*

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Words: 898
Trigger warning: A little kiss scene
Requested by: GalaxyChan6

This is a Unicorn man x Ryan story



I was in my lab working on a few experiments, until Tina came and busted through the doors...
"UNICORN!!!" Tina screamed from the top of her lungs like always.
"Yeesss?" "I need a love potion..." "No"
I knew exactly why, I mean who wouldnt...
"Please Unicorn...." She gave me puppy eyes, but I still would have not gave in.

I was jealous...

Yes, your heard me.... I'm jealous of Tina.


Because I always had a crush on Ryan... but Tina just hit me up with Goldy.

I mean, Goldy is still one of my very good friends... but she's not Ryan.

"Please Unicorn, I-I.... I can get you a date with Goldy!"
"No Tina, and that's my final answer."
"Ugh, FINE!!"

Tina left storming out of my lab. I sigh, then went to sit down in front of my laptop.
I went looking through the drawer until I found it.
I took out a pen and began writing.

March 18, 2019

Dear Diary,
So, today Tina came in and asked me to give a love potion, and I know for a FACT that she is going to give to Ryan... and yes, I'm jealous becuase I have a HUGE crush on Ryan.... but noo, Tina needs to take him all for herself....

Anyways, I going have to lock up all my dangerous potions so Tina can't get hold of them.

Unicorn Mann

I put my diary away, and headed up to the play area.

The daycare kids weren't here today, but Goldy and Ryan were.
Ryan was making a redstone contraption, while Goldy was just helping him.

And Tina.... was no where in sight...

"Oh, hey Unicorn." Goldy spotted me while waving her hand.
"Oh, um hey Goldy... R-Ryan..."
Gosh, darn, why do I have to studder.
"What you up to?"
"Just making this contraption. And Goldy is helping me."
"Oh... and Tina?" I asked.

She had better not gone done to my lab.

"Didn't you see her in your lab?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah, but she left..."
"Well, she hasn't come up here."


"Uhh, I'm going to go find her... bye guys..."

I left running down the stairs...
She had not better be getting my potions...

I spotted her right oustide the stair way to my lab, and she was reading a book.

Oh, ok... nothing that bad.... wait... that's... my DAIRY...

"TINA!!!" I tried grabbing my diary way from her, but I couldn't.

"Do you mind EXPLAINING THIS!!!!"
Her voice dripped with venom while opening to the page with today's date.


"You don't need to know anything! This is my private stuff!"
I snatch my dairy, and started walking away, buy Tina quickly grabed my arm.

"No!! You tell me NOW!!! Do you have a crush on Ryan?? Pick the wrong answer and your DEAD!"

"Oh, so your want me to tell YOU my OPINION with a wrong or right answer... well I aint answering it!"
"Oh you better answer!"
"Okay!! You know what! YES! Yes I do have a crush on Ryan! I know I will be much better than you! Because at least I DON'T FORCE HIM TO SOMETHING HE DOESN'T WANT TO... UNLIKE YOU, WHO WANTS TO KEEP ALL FOR YOUR GOD DAM SELF!!!"

I finally got to put Tina in her place... she did deserved it.

Me and Tina kept on fighting until I looked up seeing Ryan standing there.
Tina followed my gaze and she also saw Ryan, and immediately went to go and hug him.
He didn't move or say anything, but just stare at me.
I felt the disappointment in his big brown eyes.

"I-I thi-ink I left something in t-the lab so I umm..."
I didn't mind finshing my sentence when I rushed down the stairs and into my lab..

Now he knows, he's probably disguised by me... might have lost my best friend...

Tears, started to blur my sight.
I then heard the door open, I quickly rubbed my eyes and look to see who it was...


Tears started to come back, but I didn't do anything about it.

Ryan, just comes in, and sits right next to me.

He's probably going to tell me how weird I'am...

"Ummm.... so, I just wanted to say that..."

Come on, just say it.

What he did was so unexpected...

He KISSED ME... like whaaaaaattttt

Best thing ever....

And of course, I kissed him back...

"Soo, umm..."
Ryan started off but was looking away.

But I just gently grabed his chin and kissed on the lips with more passion.
Ryan puts his hands on my cheeck while I slowly put a bit of his hair in the back of his ear.

Sadly, we had to end the kiss becuase we air to live..

He grabs my hand, and we head of my lab and up the stairs.
That's when we see Goldy.
"Okay, so Tina needs some time to herself, so why don't we get Ice cream?"
"Yeah, sure."

All three of us line up while Goldy was holding my arm *you know, those friendships type of holding arm....*
and Ryan is holding my hand with our fingers intertwined.


*Happy Pride Month everybody*

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