Oneshot #17 *Titanium*

613 11 15

Words: 2817

Trigger warning:
•Throwing up
Strong Language

Nova x Ryan

Minecraft Academy

Basically there's a villain attack, Ryan tries to stop them

•Ryan has more powers than just stooting lasers
-He can Teleport
-He has super speed
-And he can create a Titanium shield

Requested by:



“Why won’t she just leave me alone!?”
I said as I banged my head on the table while Unicorn mann was working on a machine.

“Well you know how society is today. She is just trying to protect you...--- wrench.”

I handed him the wrench.

“Yeah I know, but she goes all out. She literally screams at everyone who looks at my direction.”

“Welp. Get ready to see millions of pride flags around the academy in June.”


“Hey guys!”
Olive came into the lab with a bunch of blueprints.

“Hey Olive.”
I mumbled.

“Hey babe!”
Unicorn mann came out from the machine, face cover in grease. He wiped his hands and face with a towel, and went to collect the blueprints Olive brought.

“Also, why is Tina hanging pride flags everywhere? It's only March.”
Asked Olive.

“Damn it.”
I hit my head once again on the table.

“I’m guessing it’s because Ryan came out as gay.”
Olive stated as she looked at me.


~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

“Ryan, I have a meeting with the hero committee. Make sure no ones does anything stupid. I don’t want to deal with another llorona, or bloody mary again.”

“Yeah okay. And let’s face it, that time wasn’t my fault. Blame Goldy for la llorona, and Tina for bloody mary.”

“How about that other time?”

“I take full responsibility for summoning the Charro Negro, but Goldy was the one with the idea.”

“Just make sure that doesn’t happen again.”


Unicorn mann left while I took down the last flag. 
Sure, I’m happy Tina supports me, but she should really chill. 
Once I put all the flags away, I went to Unicorn’s office cause he told me to file some paperwork.

On my way towards the office, I snatched a box from Goldy’s hands.

“Hey! Give it back!”


I entered the room, and placed Goldy’s Ouija board on top of her other 10 Ouija boards that were inside of Unicorn’s secret closet.

“She really needs to stop buying this shit.” 

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