Oneshot #2 *Gina*

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Words: 227
Trigger warning: It's short
Requested by: KittyKatTats and Banana1819

This is a Gina story.


Ever since Ryan moved, Tina been depressed out of everyone's minds.
She starts talking to her self as if she was talking to Ryan.
She acts like Ryan is dead, I mean, I do miss my bro, but still.

"When is Ryan coming back?" Tina ask for the hundredth time. "Again, Ryan moved! I Don't Know When Is Coming Back!" Unicorn replied with a annoyed tone.
"What Goldy!!"
"I know you're all sad and that, but you need to get over it."
"NO!!!, I want my cutie back!!"
Tina, once again started crying. But this time, she let all her weight on me, sooo.... she was basically hugging me.
"Awww, it's ok Tina." I tried to comfort her.
"NO! It's not ok!" She yelled and started to cry harder.
About 10 minutes past, and she finally calmed down.
"Hey, how about we get a bucket of Ice cream, and watch a movie."
We started walking out the daycare when Tina stoped.
"Just for your information, this is NOT a date!"
"Fine, if it makes you feel better."
Then Unicorn man came out of nowhere.
"Can I come?"
"Sure bud"
Then we all started running out the daycare and we all screamed...
"And that was another day, at Daycare!!!"

It's 1:39 in the morning, and I can't sleep..... sent help....

~Primrose_the_second 🌹

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