Oneshot #14 *Stay Awake* Part 1

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Words: 1801

Trigger warning:


Minecraft Friends

•Ryan has been having trouble sleeping, so his friends are going to figure out what is going on



I've been noticing that Ryan hasn't been sleeping well these past days.

And how do I know this?

Well, to start off...

He has dark circles from the lack of sleep.
He even sleeps while standing.
He never wants to do anything.
The first thing he does once he comes to the tree house is sleep on the couch.
And most importantly, TEA DOESN'T MAKE HIM HYPER ANYMORE!!!!

We are all worried for him. At first Tina thought that Ryan was just trying to avoid everyone, so she got pissed.
But every time we try to make him do something active, he just sleeps standing up.

So we're going to find out what's going on.



Goldy and Tina came inside of the 'Not so secret room', and I knew that Ryan wasn't going to bother to come here cause he's in a deep sleep.

"Okay, I think we all know why we are here today. And I want to know what are going to do about it."

We stayed quiet, trying to think of a plan until Goldy spoke up.

"We can have a sleepover at my house, and we can see why Ryan hasn't been sleeping."

Tina and I both nodded at this idea.

"For once Goldy, I agree with you."
Tina spoke.

"Okay, so we have to try and stay awake to see what's going on with Ryan."

Tina and Goldy agreed.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

It was 6:47pm and Tina, Goldy, and I were in the living room waiting for Ryan.

"You think he'll show up?"

Tina questioned.

"He said he'll come, he's probably on his way here."

I said.

Then the doorbell rang.

Goldy hurried to go and open the door.

In came a very tried Ryan.

"Hey Ryan!"

Tina greeted happily.


He sat down next to me and Tina.

"Okay now that you're here, let begin!"

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

We spent hours watching movies, playing board games, and overall talking how things have been.

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