Oneshot #6 *It's Dark*

1K 7 3

Words: 165
Trigger Warning: None

This is a filler chapter.



It's the only thing I see when I close my eyes...

No light...
No dreams...
Just black...

The pain is gone right when I slip into unconsciousness...

No pain...
No tears..

It was dark...
It was peaceful...




I groan in pain and carefully rub my face.

Unicorn mann grabs my arm help me up.

"What happened?"
I ask having no clue why I was in the floor.

"Goldy was playing around and accidentally hit you with a frying pan in the face."

And sure enough, Goldy was in a cage, frying pan in hands and Tina heavily guarding the cage.

"And why was Goldy playing with a frying pan?!"

"You know how Goldy is."

"Of course.... anyway I'm going home. My head really hurts."

"I'm coming with you cutie! I need to take of you!!"

At this point I didn't care.

"And that was another day at daycare."

No way I'm I screaming that.

Ryguyrocky Oneshots (ENDED)Where stories live. Discover now