Oneshot #12 *Moving Away*

625 5 0

Words: 313

Trigger warning:

•Sabre x Goldy

Minecraft Friends

Sabre moves away, and spents his last day with his girlfriend.

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I'm sitting on my bed, with an oversized black hoodie, and some dark blue jeans. I just looked through the pictures of me and my boyfriend on my phone.

It just turned 12:00 am, so I made my way towards the bedroom window.

I slowly made my way outside the house. I've done this many times before so I know how to get down from the second story.

Once my feet touched the ground, I made my way towards my boyfriend who was waiting for me.

"I'm still surprised that your able to climb down"

Sabre said while putting his around my shoulder.

"Haha, very funny."

I playfully slapped his hand.

I kept walking on the lonely street, until we reached the park.

We just walked around the park, holding hands and looking at the night sky.

We then sat down at a bench, still holding hands.

"I'm going to miss this..."

Sabre said with a sigh while looking up at the stars.

I looked at him, then looked back down at my lap.

"Yeah.... Me too."

I don't know when it started, but my vision started to blur as wet tears went down my face.

Sabre put my head on his shoulder, as he rubbed my arm.

"I promise you that I'll come back."

I looked back up at him.

"You promise?"

He looked at me and smiled.

" I promise."

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

It just turned 8:00 am.

I tightly hugged Sabre for the last time.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, and buried his face on my neck.

"I'll call you when I get there."


We let go, and he grabbed his suitcase.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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