Oneshot #20 *Je vais te tuer... Pt.1*

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Words: 619

Trigger warning:


Minecraft Academy

An incident happens where everyone is speaking a different language

I did manage to complete this story, but there is a part 2 that is incomplete
•Unicorn is still dean
•I’m using google translate so I don’t know if the spelling 100% correct
•I’m going to translate all the non-english words so you don’t have to do it yourself :)
Title: I’m going to kill you… [French]

Unicorn Mann

I headed downstairs since Ryan was complaining how Goldy and Tina were going to do something stupid and I didn’t want to fill out more paperwork of an unexplainable accident, so I went to stop them.

“Give it back!!”

I heard Goldy scream as she jumped up to try and grab a chunk of metal that Tina was holding above her head.

“Just tell me what it is!”
Tina yelled.

The rest of the kids didn’t want to be a part of this and Ryan looked like he was getting a headache with all of the yelling.

“Okay! What’s going on.”
I interrupted.

“Tina won’t give it back!”
Goldy whined while pointing at the metal block that Tina was holding.

“Tina. Give it back.”
“But I want to know what it is!”

“Just give it back. I know you don’t want detention on something this dumb.”


Tina handed the object back to Goldy. In which, slipped and broke. 
A white light occurred, blinding everyone in the room.


I groaned while rubbing my head. I sat up, realizing I was on the floor.
I blinked a few times to regain my vision.

“Is everyone okay?”
I asked. 

“Cad a tharla an ifreann?”
(Translation [Irish]: “What the hell happened?”)

Everyone in the room stared at Tina as she stood confused herself.

“¿Qué dijiste?”
Goldy asked.
(Translation [Spanish]:“What did you say?”)

“Вы, ребята, говорите по-английски, ради бога!!!” 
(Translation [Russian]: “Can you guys speak english, for fuck sake!!!”)

Nova quickly slapped his hand to his mouth realizing he wasn’t speaking English either.
Everyone started yelling and screaming in different languages.

Ryan walked next to me, just staring at everyone else.

“J'espère que tu sais aussi ce qu'ils disenting.”
(Translation [French]: “I’m hoping you also know what they’re saying.”)

I look back at Ryan who just spoke French.

I’m so glad I understand French.

“I have no clue.”
I said as I kept looking at the commotion in front of me.
He quickly looked in my direction and glared at me. Then he punched my arm.

“What was that for!?”
I whined as I rubbed the area he hit me.

“Alors dites-moi, vous pouvez parler morse mais vous ne connaissez aucune autre langue humaine que le français?!?!”
(Translation [French]: “So you’re telling me you know how to speak walrus but you don't know any human language other than English and French?!?!”

I stood there dumbfounded.

He does have a point.

Ryan went and picked up the broken piece of metal from the ground and I followed behind him.

(Ryan says it in a French accent ofc)

“¿Qué pasa?”
(Translation [Spanish]: “What’s up?”)

“Qui vous a donné ça?”
(Translation [French]: “Who gave you this?”

Goldy stood there in utter confusion and just blinked at Ryan.
Ryan let out a groan of frustration, and nudged my arm with his elbow.

“Oh! Right, umm… He says, who gave you this?”
Goldy smiled as she understood.

“Tú lo hiciste.”
(Translation [Spanish]: “You did.”)

Goldy said as her finger pointed towards me.
I did a double take as I saw Ryan give me a murderous stare. He put on a sickly smile.

“Je vais te tuer.”
(Translation [French]: “I’m going to kill you.”)

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