Oneshot #11 *Epilepsy*

688 5 3

Words: 450

Trigger warning:Throwing up

Ryan x Tina
•Unicorn mann x Goldy

Minecraft Daycare

Ryan gets really sick to the point where he goes to the hospital...



I have this weird feeling...

Ryan haven't been coming to daycare recently, and when he does come, he never wants to do anything.
Everyday when I go to his house, he looks more and more pale.
His eyes are blood shot red, and always refuses to eat or drink anything.... even TEA!
I tried asking his mom, but she doesn't know either, and she really worried about him.

One day, when Ryan went to daycare, I wasn't expecting for everything to go down hill very quickly.

Ryan walked in slower than usual, and his voice was no higher than a whisper.
I go down stairs cause Ryan doesn't go upstairs anymore, he just stays downstairs and sits in the couch all day.

"Hi cutie." I try not to scream cause I don't want him to have a headache.
Goldy and Unicorn also try to be as much help.
"Hi Tina."
I sit next to him, and he puts his head on my shoulder.
If Ryan weren't sick, I will probably be screaming like a fangirl.

I look down to see Ryan's pale hands shaking violently.

I put my hands on top of his to try to calm him down.

Unicorn and Goldy look at Ryan really worried.

We lasted like that for about 4 minuets. When all of the sudden Ryan jerks up and runs to the bathroom.

To be honest, that was the fast thing I saw Ryan do out of all these months.

Unicorn gets up, and heads to the bathroom. Me and Goldy follow him.
I don't care of it's the boy's bathroom, if my cutie is in there, I will go in like there's no care in the world.

All we hear and see is Ryan throwing all what he had in his stomach to the toilet, and Unicorn there next to him rubbing his back.

About 10 minutes past, and we came out of the bathroom.

"I t-think I sh-should go home."
Ryan started walking towards the exit.
When all of the sudden his eyes roll back and falls to the ground.


We all screamed while running towards Ryan.
He started to shake uncontrollably.
Ryan wasn't breathing, has he kept shaking.

He was having a seizure.


Unicorn mann screamed as he put Ryan's head on his lap.

Goldy quickly took out her phone and dialled 911.

I held onto Ryan's hand as he kept shaking.
His hands were all sweaty and cold.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

We couldn't sit calmly.
My leg was bouncing up and down while keeping my guard up.
Unicorn mann wasn't even sitting down. He was walking back and forth.
Goldy was also bouncing in her seat while looking around.

Ryan's mom came the moment she heard that her son was in the hospital.

We lasted hours at tge waiting room waiting for any information on Ryan.

Ryan's mom tried telling us that we should go home at rest, but none of us moved.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

I fell asleep on Unicorn's shoulder.


I woke up to Unicorn mann calling me.
I open my eyes to see Ryan's mom talking to a doctor.

I immediately sat up, and looked at the doctor.

I was able to see Ryan's mom facial expressions change as the doctor continued to talk to her.
She put her hand on her mouth as she started to cry.

She came back, and tried to stay calm.

"What's wrong with Ryan?"
Goldy asked as she hugged Unicorn's arm.

"Well.... um, Ryan has epilepsy, a-and he's..... he's in a coma."

She broke down crying, as Unicorn mann helped her.
Tears came sliding down as I heard this.

Why him?

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