Chapter 22

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"Oh, he on his way he went to pick up Steven and Celine. I just came here quicker since I was dropped off earlier. Celine must be so furious right now. And Steven too he's always liked Evan very much. You're busteeeed." Stefan sang the last part with an evil grin glued to his face.

That brat.

It was true though, Steven had always admired Evan even before his brother and Evan got married. Which only worsened the situation he's in. Glancing back at Evan and seeing him in that so weak pained him. He doesn't look good , not at all.

"Evey" came a loud screeching sound of a woman from the door after she opened it with a loud thud. "Stefan" she turned her attention to his brother after she glanced at him. "How is he?" Stefan turned around to see Celine his sister in law and Steven his brother at the door. She stepped forward into the room and her pace increased by the second until she stood next to Evan taking in his form. Steven following closely behind.Her eyes widened and turned watery and she covered her mouth to prevent a gasp from escaping.

"Celine" Steven said in a low voice and put his hand on her shoulder. "There, there. His condition is not that serious." Stefan said wanting to make his sister in law feel better, patting her shoulder with a genuine smile and had to look up at her since she was taller than him. But he only made it worse.

Celine turned her head so fast in stefan's direction that Kevin could've sworn he had heard a crack sound come from her neck at the sudden change. "Stefan" she growled his name as if she was gonna tear his brother apart. He was surprised his brother didn't avert his hand right away and kept it where it was, he did flinch though. And Kevin was just sitting there, watching whatever was happening. "You're telling me that my baby brother is in a hospital unconscious and NOT THAT SERIOUS" she literally glared knives at him and that's when his brother retracted his hand. Kevin was able to tell that Stefan had held back a whimper from escaping.

"S..sorry" Stefan blurted out.

The room fell silent and Celine brought herself a chair and pulled Steven on her lap. Steven sighed and hugged her to relax her.

"How did this happen?" It was Steven who asked the question. Celine kept glaring at Kevin .She was scary.

Thankfully, it was Stefan who answered Steven's question. "They had a fight." Stefan said looking at Evan, Stefan adverted Celine's murderous gaze.

"Who did he have a fight with?" Celine asked. This time it was Kevin's turn to avert Celine's piercing gaze after she turned to look at him with narrowed eyes, then those eyes widened after she appeared to have noticed something that was missing. "YOU" she said pointing her head in Kevin's direction and she said it way louder than needed but she just couldn't suppress that anger that was filling her veins. "You didn't cheat on my brother did you ?" She said that a little lower gritting her teeth instead of gritting something else that she might regret later.

Kevin flinched. "Now, babe. Let's not get ahead of oursel-" Stevan rubbed her shoulders.

"Get ahead of ourselves? What could have possibly been the reason for Evey to be lying in this bed other than the fact that this man got him there?" She asked making her mate flinch.

"Calm down Celine, you know that's not true" Steven said as he hugged her and made her head drop on his shoulder. He kept on patting her back as she calmed herself."I could never do that Celine, I love him" Kevin said as tears ran down his face. And he had to bite his lips to control his sobs.

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