Chapter 9: Home

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Shae hurried down the winding corridors of the Castle of Messina. The building was nearly as old as the island, having been built at the start of the First Age, shortly after the Battle of the Gods. For some unimaginable reason, architects of the time had been fond of long hallways that never seemed to end. Wanting to see Mio after so long away from him, they appeared longer than ever as she turned down another set of corridors.

After the occupation of Messina by the Dark Disciple Deva, the castle had been raided of most valuable items, and even now, four years later, the walls were mostly bare. They were slowly gathering new art and items sent by the kingdoms of Erya as signs of their support, but it was an enormous castle and it would take time before it felt remotely like a home. The first year of her living there, it had felt more like a prison. That had changed with the arrival of Mio when she had resolved to make a home for her son.

Taking another turn, she nodded to the two King's Guards standing sentinel by the entrance to the private quarters of the royal family.

"Dorn. Roran." She had learned the names of all the King's Guards early. The men responsible for the safety of her family—and, most importantly—of Mio, deserved the simple courtesy. "Is my son in his chambers?"

The guards bowed as low as their silver-coloured armours allowed.

"Your Majesty," dark-haired Dorn said. "We are happy to see you have returned safely. Prince Mio is indeed in his chambers."

"Thank you." With a brief smile, she continued down the hallway towards Mio's chambers.

The royal quarters had been one of the areas first rebuilt and refurbished, second only to the Great Hall. Rich tapestries with the High King's silver and green colours adorned the walls, which had been scrubbed to remove any signs of smoke or soot from when the Dark God's zealots had burned the previous ones.

Passing the door leading to the drawing room she shared with Felix, she continued to the end of the hall where an oak door stood open. Peeking inside, she caught sight of the auburn mop of hair belonging to her son. He might have her hair colour, but he had Felix's unruly hair that a comb could never quite tame.

As if he sensed her presence, the two-year-old looked up from the piece of parchment his nanny was letting him mark with watercolours. His green eyes—so like his fathers—widened as he caught sight of her.

"Mummy!" Standing up, he bounded over to her and threw himself in her arms as she crouched down to catch him. "You home!"

"I am." She hugged his little body close and had to fight back a few tears. She had not expected to feel so emotional seeing him again.

"Your Majesty!" Mio's nanny, Marya, rushed over. "Please take care. The prince is getting watercolours all over you."

"That is all right." Shae smiled, and holding Mio out in front of her, she inspected his beloved features. They were the same, and yet it felt like he had grown in the short weeks she'd been away from him. "How did you get so big?"

"I grow!" He beamed.

"You certainly do." She gave him a kiss and reluctantly let him back down to watch him toddle back to his parchment and colours. Without leaving him with her eyes, she asked, "How has he been, Marya?"

"Good, Your Majesty. He has missed you, of course. But he's been ever so good."

Unwilling to leave, Shae found a chair and sat down. "I hope you won't mind if I stay here?"

"Not at all, Your Majesty." Marya curtsied before returning to help Mio with his watercolours.

Shae watched for a moment before walking over to sit down on the floor to join in. The nannies always gave her the side-eye as she did, and she supposed it wasn't the most regal thing to do, but she enjoyed spending time with her son. And after having been away for so long, there was no way she was leaving him for quite some time.

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