Chapter 28: Interlude

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The sound of the door unlocking woke Ornice from a light slumber. A hooded figure had entered the small room and was slowly advancing toward her. Hope stirred, mixed with apprehension caused by the silence of the intruder. Had the Son of Deva sent someone to free her? She had been a loyal servant to him. Surely he would appreciate the lengths she had gone to.

"Free me," she croaked, her voice hoarse from not using it for hours.

Panic welled up inside her as the figure shook its head. A dark voice spoke. "You have failed us and have become a liability."

"No..." She viciously shook her head. "No! I stepped up! The sorceress came back to Messina, thanks to me. I know he wants her here."

"We never asked you to do that," the voice said, coming out of the darkness of the hood. Its emotionless tone was somehow scarier than if it had yelled at her. "We tasked you with keeping an eye on the queen and reporting back anything out of the ordinary. No one ever told you to try to kill her. We need her alive."

"I... I thought the attack in Adreas was to kill her and to bring the sorceress back."

"Do not assume. You cannot understand the Son's plans. You are not worthy. All you've done is increase how vigilant they are and confirm what they already suspected. You've become a liability."

Craning her neck, she stared up into the face of her would-be executioner.

"You!" she gasped.

The blade of a dagger glinted in the light of the oil lamp before it plunged into her.



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