Chapter 23: Stained Fabric

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Felix smiled as he watched Shae play with Mio on the floor of the sitting room, her arm making a wooden dragon swoop down towards the wooden castle they had put together. The remains of their breakfast still covered one end of the table, where he had shoved it all to make space for the letters he had intended to read before he got distracted. He loved his mornings with his family, and while he had a full day ahead of him before the evening's ball, he struggled to tear himself away. The world could wait another moment.

He was just about to join his wife and son on the floor when Castel opened the door to the hallway to let Spymaster Boreas inside. The small man's brown eyes twinkled as he caught sight of the queen and prince on the floor. Despite his sombre profession, he always seemed close to a smile.

"King Felix." Boreas executed an elaborate bow before turning to Shae and Mio and somehow performing an even more ridiculous bow. "Your Majesty. Your Highness."

"Boreas," Felix said with a wry smile. "Thank you for meeting me here. I didn't want the council involved."

"Anything my king commands." Boreas walked further into the room and Cas closed the door behind them, leaving them alone with the Spymaster and a blond woman who followed him silently. "You wished to know what we're doing to keep the Games safe."

Felix nodded, his eyes on the newcomer. He couldn't remember having seen her before, and yet she looked vaguely familiar. Tall and lithe, she wore soft leather trousers with a thigh-length leather jerkin over a forest-green tunic.

"This is Maeve," Boreas said, nodding towards the young woman. "She's one of my agents, and she's entered the Games as a participant, which will allow her to mingle with the other contestants and get a feel for everyone. We have done extensive research on everyone as soon as we knew who was joining, and anyone else who we think might be a threat. I have agents spread throughout the Games in various functions, and in the castle, but Maeve will be our eyes and ears in the fray."

"Nice to meet you, Maeve." He still couldn't quite shake the feeling that he knew her from somewhere.

"If you think you recognise her," Boreas said, sounding amused. "It's probably because she was your chambermaid when you first took the crown."

Felix raised an eyebrow. "You spied on me?"

Grinning, Boreas lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "A new king, suddenly responsible for the world of Erya? I had to make sure you were who you said you were."

"That Goddess Dhim herself appointed me wasn't enough?" Felix leaned back in his chair, shaking his head at the other man's audacity. The Spymaster didn't look the least contrite.

"The Gods have made mistakes before," the Spymaster said, his face uncommonly sombre. "I trust myself first and foremost. My agents second. Some of my agents don't even know each other. You are the only ones other than me who know who Maeve is. Don't give it away when you see her during the Games."

Shae left Mio playing with the castle and dragon as she came to stand next to Felix, resting her hand lightly on his shoulder. The small sign of solidarity warmed him. "I'll try to refrain," he muttered.

"I have agents listening out for anyone mentioning the queen or you in unfavourable terms," Boreas continued.

"And?" Felix prompted.

"Nothing we don't see regularly, but we will remain vigilant." The Spymaster turned to Shae. "Did you see anything when you were attacked that might help us, Your Majesty?"

The hand on his shoulder twitched, so he covered it with one of his own and squeezed. He hated that Shae was the one targeted by the would-be assassin. It would have been easier if he were the target. He was used to being disliked. Plenty of people didn't appreciate his ascension to the throne and did not understand why it was so imperative that a High King ruled from Messina. They did not know that it strengthened the veil between their world and the Nether Realm. And how could they? It wasn't common knowledge. He barely understood it himself. All he knew was that it was important, and he had no plans of going anywhere.

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