Chapter 27: Confessions

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Felix stared at the door to his wife's bedchamber. Something was off with Shae, and he had a suspicion he knew what it was. Running a hand through his hair, he glanced at Isobel who gave him a knowing look.

"You should speak to your wife," she said. "Something has upset her."

"Me being an idiot has," he muttered. He turned to Boreas who was watching them with a glint of curiosity in his brown eyes. "Seek me out in the morning before the opening ceremony. We must discuss the next steps to keep everyone safe during the Games."

If the Spymaster was disappointed about not being allowed to stay for the gossip, he didn't show it. With a quick bow, he exited the sitting room, leaving Felix alone with his dear friend. His dear friend who had unwittingly become a thorn in his marriage.

"What's going on?" Isobel asked as she pulled her cloak tighter. In the large, billowing garment she looked more like a child than the powerful woman who had saved the world. "What have you done now?"

"Now?" He made a face. "Why do you assume it's my fault?"

A slight smile touched her lips. "You did say you've been an idiot. But truth be told, I probably would have assumed anyway."

"Your faith in me is inspiring." Looking over at Shae's closed door again, he sighed. Somehow that closed door felt strikingly similar to the walls Shae had erected around herself at the start of their marriage. How had he managed to bungle this up so badly?

"Felix?" Isobel's soft voice broke through his miserable thoughts.

"I only recently told her we're not a couple."

The shock evident in his friend's voice was more than enough confirmation of his foolishness. "Why not?"

He tilted his head back to stare into the stone ceiling above them. "I don't know," he admitted. "Pure idiocy? I was convinced she didn't care about me, and it never entered my mind that she might believe the rumours." Lowering his head he looked at her. "And you asked me not to deny the rumours."

She groaned. "Yes, but not to the detriment of your marriage!"

"Well, I did tell her eventually. But I never told her everything, and tonight might have made her doubt my sincerity."

"Probably." Isobel pointed to the door. "Go talk to your wife. Tell her everything you need to."

He nodded. "When will I next see you?"

"I don't know. It might be a while. Be on the lookout. If Son of Deva sent that woman, I doubt she's the only one."

With those grim words, she turned around and left. Felix looked after her for a moment, watching as the King's Guards stationed at the door pretended not to notice her. Did they all believe she was his lover? Did they actually believe he was crass enough to bring a mistress to his chambers next to Shae's? The thought was sickening. He hoped they thought better of him than that.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself before knocking on Shae's door and slipping inside. He didn't want to give her the chance to deny him entry. If she was upset with him, they needed to talk. Hopefully, he could explain everything, and—

A book came flying toward him and he narrowly escaped it as he ducked at the last moment. Straightening, he stared at Shae on the other side of the room in the flickering light of the oil lamps.

"What are you... Oof!" She had grabbed another book, and this one hit him square in the chest. Fortunately, it was a light volume.

"Get out." The whispered words hit him harder than any book or any shouting would have done. She had run out of books but was looking around to see what else she might throw.

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