Chapter 29: The Games

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The sun shone on the fields outside Messina where the Games were due to start in only a few moments. With the towering city as a backdrop on the other side of the sound, and stands built up around the competition area, the fields had never looked so alive. Colourful banners and royal crests from the competing kingdoms stood in stark relief to the blackened ground.

Shae sat on a raised dais in the middle of the spectator area between Felix and Mio. The festive mood of the crowd mirrored her own. Felix loved her. Warmth flooded her as she turned her head and found him watching her with a soft smile playing on his lips. She had fought so hard not to fall for her husband but it had been doomed to fail. Despite her best efforts, he had worked his way into her heart, and it had become impossible to keep him out. Not that she wanted to anymore. She had never expected to feel this happy again. This content.

Not even the news that the guards had found Ornice dead in her cell that morning could douse her good mood. Stabbed and poisoned with the same Orc's Blood she had used on Shae. Only this time, there had been no antidote.

Felix interrupted her thoughts as he stood and held his hand out. "Come," he said. "It's time to open the Championship Games."

Taking Mio in his other hand, he led them out into the middle of the field before turning back to the mass of people. It was almost as if looking at a rainbow of colours. Spectators who weren't competing had coloured fabrics attached to sticks that they waved in the air to cheer on their kingdom's champions. Speckled throughout were the silver and green of the High King's soldiers and King's Guards there to keep the peace and watch out for any dissenters.

"Thank you all for coming today." Felix's amplified voice carried across the field as he spoke into a copper speaking device, and a hush spread amongst the gathered crowd. "These Championship Games have been a long time coming. It's been seventeen years since the last one. But we defeated Deva. Sorceress Isobel and Goddess Dhim spellbound him in a crystal, freeing the world of Erya from his reign of terror."

He paused for a moment as cheers erupted before continuing. "We are rebuilding both stronger and better than before. We will never allow anything like this to happen again."

It was amazing to watch the enormous crowd listening to his every word. She could only hope he was telling the truth. The threat of Deva's son had yet to be dealt with. And if the man had a Godstone, they needed to all come together and be ready for another attack.

"Together we stand strong. We proved that when we retook Messina from the Dark Disciple. Today we meet again, not to vanquish evil, but to partake in friendly competition and festivities. Let us put the darkness behind us and look to a brighter future. Together."

Another resounding cheer rippled through the crowd. The future might not be as bright as they hoped but they would make it so. After Isobel had confirmed the existence of the Son of Deva, they had agreed to send missives to the rulers of each kingdom to allow them to prepare should the day come when an attack came. But for now, they wanted to keep the public unaware. There was no need to panic, and they deserved these days of festivities.

If Son of Deva was planning something... This time they would be prepared. Castel and the first contingent of soldiers were due to depart in the next couple of days. They would prepare the fortress at the base of the mountain pass into the Dreadlands before they sent more soldiers. No one could march an army into Erya without them knowing.

Felix next sentence interrupted her thoughts.

"To open the Games with the ceremonial lighting of the bonfire this year is my wife, Queen Shaeanne of Erya."

Her eyes flew to his, and he lowered the speaking device to smile at her.

"What's going on?" she whispered.

"It's time for you to stop hiding." He leaned down and pressed a kiss on her mouth. "Show the world who the real Shae is."

A King's Guard brought her the beautiful curved bow Felix had given her recently and held out a burning arrow. Stunned, she took the weapon and arrow, staring at her husband. Her eyes burned with unshed tears. She couldn't believe he had done this for her. Walking up to the mark she took aim at the bonfire on the other side of the field. He accepted her for who she was. He didn't need her to be the perfect queen. The proper wife. He just wanted her for her.

She drew in a breath and held it as she adjusted her aim, and a moment later she let loose the bowstring. The burning arrow sailed across the field and landed in the bonfire. She could hear the crowd cheering behind her but as she turned around, she only had eyes for her husband and son. Coming into this marriage she had never expected love, nor a happily ever after. It wasn't something she had been looking for. Yet it had found her. Felix and Mio were her happily ever after. It was more than she had ever wanted, but it was perfect. And it was hers.


***This ends the story of Felix and Shae, but the story of Erya and the fight against the Son of Deva will continue throughout the rest of the series. Read on for an Epilogue touching on the bigger series arc.***



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