Is it summer?Or am I just in hell

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Hello again~
Fluff/mention of smut in the end??
Swear warning??(for anyone that doesn't like profanity)

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

Ah what a  nice rainy day, water drops slid down on the window it's peaceful until a loud cough was heard, let us shift to those source of the cough shall we?

A sick Chuuya wrapped in a blanket and tissues all around him as he laid on the couch

Alas Chuuya had made the mistake of underestimating the cold and how long he'd be outside for no thanks to Dazai.
He's the one who was dragging him all over town so obviously he's the one at fault
"Stupid Dazai." He muttered under his breath and let out a low cough
"Come now Chibi~" Dazai rested his arm on the couch as Chuuya jumped and looked behind him to meet Dazai "it's not all my fault, youre the one who said and I quote "I can handle the cold I don't need an extra jacket" end quote" Dazai slightly said in a mocking voice.
Chuuya scoffed and lowly coughed twice his throat was hurting and his eyes would get watery from time to time worst of all was that stupid stuffy nose.
Upon understanding Dazai sighed as he went to the kitchen and prepared Chuuya a cup of tea

Chuuya continued to cough and blew his nose with tissues being sick was not fun he felt like his whole body was on fire and the fucking head aches.
He just wanted this to be over with.
After some time Dazai came back with a hot cup of tea and carful handed it to Chuuya "drink it, itll help you to feel better"
Chuuya rolled his eyes as he blew the tea trying to cool it down he took one sip and nearly spat it out but quickly swallowed it "ewww!That tasted awful.!" Chuuya coughed into his arm as Dazai sighed "well it's suppose to taste like berries"
".......this...abomination.!!doesn't taste like berries.-!" Chuuya coughed again this time more roughly as after he had to clear his throat
"Don't use to much of your voice now, just drink the tea it'll help you feel better" Dazai got up patting Chuuya on the head and then heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat

Chuuya frowned, an anger expression on his face he looked to the cup of tea and decided to just drink it in one go.
That fails however as he didn't like the taste and his throat felt clogged so he almost spat it out again, feeling as if he was going to choke.

After that he slowlyyyy drank the tea finishing it after a bit. Chuuya blew his nose as he then threw the tissue away and laid on the cough all wrapped up warmly. He stared at the ground as he still felt his body heated up and just feeling shity not having the motivation to even keep his eyes open. Dazai came back ".....Chuuya~ get up I wanna sit down" He was about to move Chuuya until he looked up at him Chuuya's eyes showed this venerability Dazai was almost taken a back by it. Chuuya spoke "Can't.....too week..Dazaiii..shit..I feel bad everything hurts.." he spoke in a low soft voice

"And who's fault is that?I told you so, this is what you get for-" Dazai stopped as he heard Chuuya sniff but it sounded like a when someone is crying sniff.
He then saw tears rolling down Chuuya's face, he felt bad and instantly regretted his wording "C-Chuuya....I'm sorry, don't cry I didn't mean to-" Dazai was interrupted as Chuuya cried more "n-no it's....fuck.....It's so hot...-" Chuuya huffed until he lowly coughed but that slowly turned to a louder aggressive cough and after he was done "now my throat hurttsss..!" Chuuya cried more Dazai sighed as he picked up Chuuya

Dazai laid back on the couch and placed Chuuya ontop of him "there there" Dazai removed the blanket of Chuuya's shoulders and rubbed his back "I get suffering sucks, but you'll be better soon" Chuuya laid his head on Dazai's chest slowly closing his eyes relieved as some cool air flew onto his warm skin they embraced each-other and slept together all night

And after Chuuya got better they fucked a ton and the end!!!


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