Dont start something you cant finish

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Another one ready for you notyourtypicalbeing Hope you like it, enjoy now!
On with it~
Just smut.
Maybe a bit of angst at the end?
Swear warning(for anyone that doesn't like profanity)

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

Dazai slammed the door open as he and Chuuya stumbled in Dazai slammed the door closed with his foot to busy trying to wrap his tongue around Chuuya's
As they made they're way to the bedroom stumbling into things on the way
Who could blame them they're drunk.-

Dazai took of his shirt as he continued to kiss Chuuya deeply Chuuya slightly moaned into the kiss as he tried to remove his own clothing failing in the process so Dazai did it for him they parted for air and took of the rest of their cloths.
Dazai grabbed a hold of Chuuya's face and brought him into another kiss as he pulled on his hair this kiss lasted longer and when they separated
Chuuya panted looking into Dazai's eyes a bit tired "asshole...I nearly passed out."
"You started it." Dazai grabbed his chin "don't start things you can't finish" Chuuya blushed "y'know~ you're lucky I'm even letting you make it this far" Dazai pinned Chuuya to the bed "yeah're beautiful..~" he blushed and began to kiss Chuuya's body beginning from his waist all the way up to his neck
He began to leave marks all over his neck low moans escapes Chuuya's lips and then a small gasp as he felt Dazai's cold hand on his member
Slowly stroking the bottom to the top Chuuya spreed just legs more open "you want me Chuuya~say it."
"Ffff-fuck you.." Chuuya wrapped his arms around Dazai
"you're avoiding the truth. Heh guess I'll have to get it out of you~" Dazai placed his member in front of Chuuya's entrance slowly entering him making the moment last as long as he could as Chuuya moaned out in slight pain digging his nails into Dazai's skin
Dazai smirked as he began to thrust into Chuuya being very gentle
At first

Chuuya lowly panted as he adjusted to Dazai's size as he felt Dazai pick up the pace he moaned more
"U-Ughh..~ahhh~ D-Dazai~" hearing Chuuya moan his name out made Dazai want to go wild
When Chuuya began to feel weak and let his arms fall to his side Dazai grabbed his arms and held both of them in place above Chuuya's head with one of his hands
Dazai began to thrust harder and quicker into Chuuya wanting to see his face turn lewd
Chuuya screamed as he felt Dazai deep inside him, he wrapped his legs around Dazai's waist as he made a slutty expression
Dazai smirked as he slowed down wanting to make it aggravating knowing Chuuya was close "h-hey what the hell.?" Chuuya weakly look to him with this mad confused face
"I told you I'd make you admit it. So beg~ want me to keep fucking you like the cute little slut you are?Beg me to~"
"........" Chuuya was shocked as he scoffed as he blushed looking away
" well, if that's what you want-" Dazai was slowly pulling out until Chuuya interrupted "W-wait...!"
"......ugh..don't stop. Fuck me already"
" that not how we ask for things is it..~?"
".....please..fuck me Dazai. I want you inside me. Pound me as hard as you can please make me cum.." Chuuya looked away embarrassed
"....good boyyy~ and since you asked sooo nicely~"
Dazai quickly slammed back into Chuuya making him let out a moan he continued to thrust inside him until they both came.

But even after that they didn't stop going in all sorts of possessions they went for a few more rounds
Chuuya sat on Dazai's lap riding him Dazai rubbed Chuuya's dick as he admired Chuuya's facial expressions and mew noises Chuuya kept bouncing until he felt Dazai come and after he came so did Chuuya
"ah~! You finally came, dear!" Dazai smiled and pulled his hand away as he licked the cum off of it Chuuya panted and blushed from embarrassment he rested his head on Dazai's chest breathing against it
"Tired already? Chibi~" Dazai whispers into his ear
"......heh you wish.~ Nah let's go again..~This time you follow my lead" Chuuya grabs his hair
"U-ughhh...~Hehe..let's see what you can do.~" Chuuya pulls him into a deep kiss as they continue to fuck all night until they were tired

"H-hmmm..?" Chuuya woke up as the sun hit his face his vision soon became clear and his face red.
For as he look up there was Dazai still asleep he looked cute and peaceful but more so he was holding Chuuya in his arms Chuuya felt so embarrassed and humiliated he tried to slowly turn and get out Dazai's arms
Only getting as far were his back is facing Dazai as Dazai grabbed a hold of him tighter and held him closer
Chuuya turned more red as the tips of his ears began to burn he closed his eyes and just hoped Dazai would wake up soon although if he wereeeee to sleep for a bit more Chuuya wouldn't mind he thinks Dazai is quite warm and comfortable so much in fact he might just head back to sleep
But alas only a few minutes pass until Dazai woke up as Chuuya felt him moved he quickly tried to seem like he was still asleep.
Dazai let go of Chuuya and sat up stretching his arms out he looked around and then saw Chuuya he quickly got out of bed and grabbed his stuff trying to quickly and quitely get changed and not wake up the "sleeping" Chuuya
Chuuya slightly opened his eye to try and get a look at Dazai but all he saw was Dazai getting dressed and then leaving...
He heard his foot step in the living room the front door open and then close as he heard him walk out.
Chuuya slowly sat up as he held on to the covers tight and close to his chest ".....bastard. I'm going to make you pay for this.." Chuuya looks to the side as he reminisces on his last night actions.

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