Why couldnt we just went out for lunch..?

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Finally finished this one for ya!!
notyourtypicalbeing Hope you enjoy it!
Let's see where this goes~
Shin Soukoku
Fluff? Technically
Swear warning(for anyone that doesn't like profanity)

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

"You want to go where?!" Atsushi was taken a back as Akutagawa sighed and said once more
"To the zoo just a few blocks down. Tomorrow around 3 o'clock."
Atsushi was shocked and shouted out "why there?!And why with me..-"
"May I have to explain myself every time Weretiger.?!"
"Sorry sorry..!" (Just felt out of place is all...) Atsushi though as he held his hands up in surrender
"Just be there on time, and wear something...presentable" Akutagawa waved his hand and then began to walk away
"H-hey!" (Who dose that Akutagawa think he is?!Ugh so rude...I guess this is really happening though..?..wait..is the a...date?!....eh heh nooo....unless-) Atsushi was left wondering all day

Atushi tired to make himself of what he thought Akutagawa sees as "presentable" and head to the entrance looking at this now he feels nervous not because he think this may be a date...but mostly since he didn't really like zoos
Well more so the idea of it, seeing animal locked up and not in their natural habitat made him he feel bad and somehow at fault of course he wasn't the one who put the animals in there but not being able to help and set those animal free where they be happy made him all the more sad not to mention his ability allowed him to turn into a tiger and when he though of all the possible things that may happen if he was ever caught being put and locked up in a cage definitely scared him
He snapped out of his thoughts as he looked up and spotted Akutagawa.
Atsushi hid behind a tree as he watched Akutagawa, he was wearing pretty casual clothing yet Atushi thought back to the date idea
(If this was a date he would have dressed up more right..?Or well then again we are at a zoo...hmmmm well for casual clothing he seems a bit dressed up.)

Akutagawa blinked as he was waiting (is he not coming..?) he lowly sighed as he held a small box he looked to the side towards some bushes Gin popped out and held out a pice of paper it said "calm down, there's only 5 minutes till it's three"
(I did tell him to be here by 3) he nods and then looked forward he figured if Atsushi were to stand him up at least Gin would be close by to comfort him and if Atushi showed up she would be close by to make sure nothing goes wrong also seeing her brother finally go on a date would be so cute-!
Gin quickly waved the paper to make the noise drawing Akutagawa's attention he looked over the paper said "Did you tell him it was a date?"
Akutagawa looked away and Gin was there disappointed it seems her brother couldn't bring himself to truly tell Atushi that this was intended to be a date

Atushi had long spaced out to even notice Gin but after hearing the sound of animals he quickly snapped out of it and sighed he was really doing this huh?Well...here it goes nothing! He walked out and towards Akutagawa eyes closed Gin quickly hid and Akutagawa looked around he saw Atushi and quickly stood up straight as Atushi opened his eyes he looked to Akutagawa "am I late..?"
"Hm no, just on time you look...just fine"
"Gee thanksss" Atushi seemed a bit unimpressed then again he didn't expect anything more form Akutagawa well that was until he held out something to him
"Hm what's this?" Atushi grabbed the box and opened it up
"I heard that you had quite the sweet tooth and are found of strawberries sooo I got you some chocolate covered strawberries-"
"A-Akutagawaaa!This is so....nice of you?!"
"What is that suppose to mean.-?"
"N-nothing! Just hehhh thank you for the gift?" He smiles as he grabbed one and ate it his eyes lit up and he smiled
"Well then shall we?" Akutagawa walked ahead as he made his way in Atushi quickly followed but then thought (wait...he got me a gift...this must be a sign of this begin a date right..?!)
Gin was following behind wearing a sort of disguise
As they walked in Akutagawa grabbed a map as Atushi looked around already regretting his actions
"I say we cheek the animals on this side of the zoo first it says the red pandas are just up ahead" Akutagawa walked ahead as Atushi panicked and quickly followed
They spend their time admiring the animals well Akutagawa did when ever Atushi saw them just walk around all sad he slightly frowned but he didn't want to be a downer and make Akutagawa feel bad he knows he wouldn't purposely try to make him upset...wellll-
Not like this!
He sighed as they walked down this little forest path to the next half of the zoo
"Are you alright?"
"Hm-?!" Atushi looked to Akutagawa a bit shocked wondering if he heard him right when Akutagawa looked at him he just decided to answer "oh yeahhh!Just all the...excitement got me a bit tried" he smiled
"Hm..well I'm glad to know you're at least enjoying yourself, but if you need a chance to sit and rest-"
"Huh??Oh no no!Im fine!" Atushi smiles as he thought the faster they got this over with the quicker he could get out of here "really I just needed to catch my breath all good now-"
"Nonsense. Come on let's go I'm feeling quite hungry anyway" Akutagawa grabbed his hand and began to drag him towards the food court
Atushi was taken a back as he felt his face get warm he slightly stumbled but quickly followed.
Akutagawa genially showing concern and consideration for Atushi is something you don't see everyday!!!
Akutagawa sat Atsushi down as he went to grab some food and something to drink for both of them
Atushi looked down as he kept blushing until Akutagawa walked back he hand him his food and they began to eat
"Hmmm this is quite elegant, please try some" Akutagawa held the food with his chopsticks and over to Atushi
Atushi's eyes shine as he sat up and ate the food
"Hmmm" he smiles with delight the food tastes delicious but then he relieved he just put Akutagawa's chopsticks in his mouth..... he quickly sat down and turned red
As Gin saw and held out a paper saying "well played brother"

After they finished eating they went and walked around the zoo holding hands?!
And just looking at the animals as for the end they payed the gift shop a visit and picked a keychain out for eachother Akutagawa also got another one for Gin
But alas all good things come to an end as the sun set and Akutagawa walked Atushi home
"Thanks for today I had a really fun time" Atushi smiled
"Well...I will say today wasn't so bad I..enjoyed your company" Atushi chuckled and after a few moments of silence Akutagawa spoke "well I best start heading back perhaps we can do this again sometime when we're both free"
Atushi nodded his head happily as Akutagawa wished him a good night and started to walk off
"H-Hey Akutagawa!!!" Atsushi called out causing Akutagawa to turn back and face him "hm?...Yes?"
"Next time we go on date, mind if I chose where we go...?" Atsushi smiles closing his eyes and pointed to himself
Leaving Akutagawa with a flustered red expression

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