Raindrop Kisses

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Anddd this is the last one you've requested dus far!
@notyourtypicalbeing Hope you enjoy it and it's to your liking as far as making you feel the emotions of the characters??Heh
Let us see what awaits!
Shin Soukoku
(This chapter is very long so sorry for that got carried away)

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

"I'm home-!" Akutagawa lowly coughed as Atushi walked over and kissed his cheek
"Welcome back!How'd it go...?"
"Just fine, it dose feel nice to be back home though" Akutagawa hugged Atushi as they embrace each other in a longish hug
"Heh, well I hope you're hungry dinner's ready!" They headed to the table and sat down. They began to talk of their day and of other matters though Akutagawa seemed to be coughing a bit through the conversation at first Akutagawa just said he had a dry throat
But after drinking some water he still coughed a few times Atushi raised a brow and questioned it but Akutagawa said it may just be something in the air, not wanting to push it Atushi left it at that for now.
The rest of the day was spent as regular cleaning up a bit enjoying each other company getting ready for bed heading to bed holding each other close as they drifted into sleep.

The next day during breakfast Atushi made dinner before Akutagawa head to work.
Atushi kissed Akutagawa wishing him luck and to return home safely Akutagawa kisses his forehead and promised he'd be back. To keep himself busy Atushi went to go make the bed first and then start on other chores around the house
When Akutagawa return they did the same routine embracing a hug cheek kisses and then dinner. But Akutagawa seem to be coughing more then last time
"You know you've been coughing more then usual, perhaps you should see a doctor.."
Akutagawa was shocked in a way and said "nonsense I'm fine just something in the-" he was interrupted by his couching Atushi stood up went over handing him some water. Akutagawa grabbed the glass and drank some water "You should go just in case" Atushi said with a worried face "I-it could be something more-"
"I'm not going. I'm completely fine, you don't have to worry." Akutagawa voice was harsh trying to get his point across. Atushi was taken a back making this sad and embarrassed face Akutagawa noticed and sigh regretting his wording. Cupping Atushi face he said "Really im fine....I just don't want you to worry, it is getting colder maybe it's a normal cold, a cough isn't always something to worry about" he kissed Atushi's lips hopping that was enough reinsurance
Atushi sighed and agreed hugging Akutagawa "I just want you to be okay..." Akutagawa hugged him back "I know..I appreciate your care." After cleaning the dishes they headed off to bed
Atushi stayed a bit longer worrying for Akutagawa's health though, maybe it was just a cold after all Akutagawa stopped coughing after two days.
But the coughing only ever stopped for a few days.

"....hmm~ Look Akutagawa it's raining!" Atushi looked out the window and smiled
"Hm so it is" Akutagawa blinked staring blankly at his lover
"Oh, come on!You know what I'm trying to say~ Lets go for a stroll, I've always wanted to experience being in the rain with you!" Atushi quickly placed on his shoes and coat running straight to the door
"Ah-!Hey wait!" Akutagawa quickly grabbed his coat and and dashed over "don't just say things like that and run off." Akutagawa slight blushed looking to the side "and second you can't just go out there with just a coat idiot idiot, you could catch a cold.." Akutagawa scolded Atushi as he wrapped a scarf around his neck "there much warmer" Akutagawa grabbed the umbrella as Atushi smiled and opened the door "oh what would I do without you sweetheart hehe" Atushi walked out as Akutagawa quickly followed closing and locking the door behind him.
He followed Atushi as he just carried the umbrella trying to catch up with his lover before opening it, unfortunately Atushi was to ahead and just lead the way to a near by park.
Stopping by a near by bench and street lamp Atushi smiled as he lifted his face to the sky feeling the nice cool breeze pass by "haha, oh!I got an idea, Akutagawa come dance with me!"
"Honey. I don't think that's quite safe-!" Non the less Akutagawa was pulled in by Atushi as he lead them into a small dance  using the light source from the lamp as a sort of spotlight
"Do you feel that Teddy bear the raindrops are giving kisses!"
"I want to give you kisses too.."
".....hehe!Aww don't worry, you are the raindrops, I'd only allow you to give me kisses after all!" Atushi kisses Akutagawa cheek letting him go as he went to dance off to the side by himself
Akutagawa blushed but then smiled as he watched his tiger dance happily. That was until a cold breeze came by, and Akutagawa began to slightly coughed.
But then he coughed again and again, he covered his mouth but he couldn't stop coughing. It got to the point he felt week in his legs and kneeled down continuing to cough.
Atushi stoped dancing as he heard him cough he quickly looked over and then ran to Akutagawa's aid "A-Akutagawa!Are you okay?!What happ-"
Atushi was interrupted by a much harsher cough. What shocked him the most was the blood Akutagawa just coughed out.
He went silent unsure what to do snapping out of it as he heard Akutagawa roughly coughing again, Atushi instincts kicked in picking up Akutagawa he quickly ran carrying Akutagawa to the nearest hospital.
With each cough he heard Akutagawa made he picked up the pace.

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