Is this fate, or are they just trying to humiliate us

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So!Thank you to @notyourtypicalbeing for another great idea!And I know it been a long time but I just wanted to post all the stories together but then I messed up on that schedule, so I'm posting all I have so far the rest are almost!done just need a few more touches until then please enjoy what I have so far thank you! Hope enjoy and find them entertaining now!
On with it~
Shin Soukoku
Mention of Soukoku but this fic aint about them-!

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

"Ah!Thank you!" Atushi smiled bright as he grabbed the bag of food turning around and walking off happily with his eyes closed.
Only getting far a few feet as he bumped into someone dropping his bag tripping and about to fall onto the ground until he landed in someone's arms he looked up and saw Akutagawa?
He blushed and looked shocked "A-Akutagawa...?"
Akutagawa held onto him tight making sure not to drop him as he blushed a bit "Atushi.."
The world around them frozen as sakura petals began to fall around them.

And now let's cut to Dazai and Chuuya at a near by table
"...they act as if they're in a romance scene every other minute. Yet aren't together?!"
"I mean look at us Chibi~we didn't date at the beginning but that didn't stop you from sucking me d-"
"SHHHut up.!shut up." Chuuya looked away embarrassed.
"Even more of a reason to try and get them together..I don't know about you. But I don't want Akutagawa to go through the same shit III did." Chuuya looked down.
".....we'll what's love without pain?" Dazai smiled as Chuuya looked back to him
".....I guess you're right but they shouldn't have to go through that. Maybe they just need a push in the right direction."
"Ohhh~?Is that a plan I'm hearing, please do tell" Dazai smiled as Chuuya sighed and leaned over whispering into his ear
"Chibi!Thats an amazing idea you're so smart.~" Dazai grabbed Chuuya's cheek and pinched it a bit to hard and stretched it out
"O-Ow hey.!Let go right now." Chuuya grabbed Dazai's wrist "let's get going we need to set this plan into action now" Chuuya dragged Dazai out the cafe. Akutagawa felt his arms getting weak, unfortunately he dropped Atushi
"Oops..?!" Atushi looked up to Akutagawa "that's all you have to say?!" Akutagawa sighed and held his hand out to him Atushi huffed grabbing his hand as he stood up. After that they stood there in silence. Just staring at each other.
"....well I-I better head back heh.." Atushi hands slowly left Akutagawa's and then began to walk off.

Later that day Atushi found a note waiting for him at his desk "Hm?"
He picked it and it read
"Dear Atushi,
Meet around 5 pm outside the agency and wear something nice! Don't ask questions and just know I'm treating see you later
Atushi stared blankly at the note he felt Dazai was definitely up to something but
"...well as long as there'll be deserts"
He would show up! Curiosity never hurt except for in that one phrase with the cat~

"Akutagawa" Chuuya looked to him and Akutagawa respond with a low hum "go get dressed, I want you to join me for lunch" Akutagawa looked to him a bit confused as he tilt his head "what?I can't treat you to lunch.?"
"No-well it's just..unexpected as all."
"Ehhh don't get full of yourself I'm just in a good mood come on hurry up I'll come get you around five" Chuuya walked away as Akutagawa was left still questioning the situation.

When the time came for both the parties to meet at the restaurant Akutagawa and Atushi found themselves waiting in an awkward silence waiting for their other partner to come but just then they both received a message at the same time both Chuuya and Dazai had texted them saying they had to cancel and won't be able to make it

"......Did your company cancel last minute too?" Atushi looked to Akutagawa in response to his question he was given a nod "Hm...well hey!Since we're already here...why not..we eat together! It would be a waste to not at least try the food, but!If you don't want thats okay too..."
"I don't mind the idea but, do you have any money to pay?" Akutagawa looked to him
"Ahhh..wellll.....I have a bit..?" Atushi smiled awkwardly
"'s fine I guess we'll just have to split the bill" Akutagawa looked away
"Great!Lets eat outside the air so refreshing it be a waste not to enjoy it!"

Akutagawa and Atushi headed towards the outside sitting they ordered their drinks and after sometime the waiter came back to take their orders
"Oh!I may I just add, tonight special is tiger meet!"
Atushi felt the color from his face start to disappear as he looked towards the waiter "........w..what.." Akutagawa could only look to the side as he felt the tension in the air

"Is it working?" Chuuya whispered spying on them from a far "I can't read their lips.!" "I can. If you'd just stop hogging the binoculars.-!" "Shut up would you!we're going to get caught.!" Dazai huffed as he looked away but soon got and idea "....Chibiiiiii! I want your attention.." "nottt nowww." Chuuya kept spying but Dazai had enough pulled him down into a kiss and...well let's just say they had some fun of their now ;)

".....y-you know this place really sucks.." Atushi sighed while Akutagawa nodded "indeed. I can't stand the lighting. .....would you maybe..want to go somewhere else the two of us....and..-" "if you're asking me to change the location of this date I'm all in" Atushi smiled a Akutagawa slightly blushed but smiles as well, they both stood up. Akutagawa held his arm out and Atushi wrapped his arm around Akutagawa's together they walked to a location they better preferred. And began their date all over again <3

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