Will you be the new chapter in my life

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◥.¸,✵°✵.。.✰llıllı T͙w͙o͙ l͙o͙n͙e͙l͙y͙ s͙o͙u͙l͙s͙ m͙e͙e͙t͙ a͙t͙ t͙h͙e͙ r͙i͙s͙i͙n͙g͙ s͙u͙n͙ llıllı✰.。.✵°✵,¸. ◤

(Mostly, I myself have a h/c Chuuya and Ranpo could actually be friends and it be wholesome and cuteeeee but!I just wanted to see what they be like in more romance setting so here we are!!!Cause..I thought.....it'd be cuteeee...!!!!But really for anyone who dose ship these two no hate to you at all!And please enjoy)
Also crack fic~


Let's begin ahem once upon a time. In a farrr away land lived a beautiful gentle young lad he had his whole life ahead of him. He had a perfect rich handsome husband, he was as beautiful, caring and intelligent on the outside as he was in the inside but one day tragedy struck. The place where they lived now destroyed. And he lost it all. His wealth his grace and his lover...his heart now cold as ice sealed off from any harm.

Ranpo roamed the land with a blank look on his face he travels place to place in search of "home" what was that to do though. Everything lost it's purpose the sun stopped shining as bright as it use to. Even the rays weren't as warm as he remembered. And well, look at him, he was a mess he didn't have any spear cloths he was all dirty, he was starving and one day he just passed out on the floor.

But when he woke up he was cleaned and in different cloths, in a bed. But where was he..? He sat up about to get out of bed but then the door open
"Ah, you're awake good, oh and not to worry, I assigned someone else to help you I wouldn't dare to invade your...privacy" this man kissed Ranpo's hand before placing a tray of food and a cup of tea down "please eat up, if you wish to speak I'll be waiting in the lounge" the man left and Ranpo was there shocked and confused he looked to the food. His tummy growled he was hungry...and the man didn't seem to sketchy soooo he ate the food...it tasted.....wonderful!

After he was done eating he went to find the man in the lounge wanting to ask questions right away. Once he entered the room he sat some about ask but before he got the chance the man had a small interaction.
His name is Chuuya, Chuuya Nakahara what annnn..interesting name.
Ranpo asked him many questions he easily answered it was wired Ranpo couldn't wrap his mind around why he's take him in was it his looks.?I mean..he was pretty he ain't lying-
The rest of the day they talked mostly getting to know eachother it was now Ranpon realized he missed talking to someone and Chuuya seemed to enjoy the conversation but when night approached Chuuya escorted Ranpo to his room and wished him a well rested night Ranpo got into bed as he heard Chuuya's footsteps go down the hall. Ranpo did not easily feel asleep Chuuya was on is mind he was grateful he took him in but also how long would he allow him to stay?When would he have to leave he didn't want to leave..but that wasn't up to him...what will happen..?

The next day Chuuya took Ranpo out?!
They went shopping Chuuya bought him many expensive outfits and jewelry,anything Ranpo wanted he bought it. He wanted sweets Chuuya bought as many as he liked, he wanted a wired toy he was Chuuya bought it, he wanted a outfit he'd only wear once Chuuya bought it. Ranpo had so much fun but when they returned he realized all the things he made Chuuya buy for him and he felt bad.....
"I um...don't know howwww I can repay you right noww..but if there's any thing I can do-"
"No need, seeing you're face light up was all I needed" Chuuya smirked as he cupped Ranpo's face he felt his cheeks warm up as he blushed
They had dinner and Ranpo asked when he had to leave Chuuya said......never
If Ranpo likeddddd he could stay here forever
Ranpo was shocked...to stay the least he couldn't believe it "a-are you sure...?"
"Oh yes, you're company is quite enjoyable, it dose get lonely frime time to time after all.." Chuuya gently flicked the cup of wine next to him make a small clink sound
Ranpo felt bad, poor Chuuya who knows how many times he had to be by himself in this big mission with no one to talk to
In a way he understood, after all he just experienced having to walk the world all alone, literally.

Later that night when everything was quite and the air was cool Ranpo thought about Chuuya and how lonely he really must feel he snuck out his room and into Chuuya's he got in bed with him just laying next to him holding his hand to keep him company.

Then next morning Chuuya woke up to Ranpo in his arm it was adorableeee,
It's safe to say they got along really well they became closer over time and started to date did they ever fuck?
Yes Chuuya was top~
De end

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