Fyodor and Sigma! Ft. Nikolia

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Hi!Heres a small Valentines gift before Valentines anyways have some digital heart shaped cookies ♥️♥️♥️
Fyodor x Sigma x Nikolia
(Mainly just Fyodor and Sigma)
((What's their ship name-ft. Nikolia!Kinda) )

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

Such a cold and cloudy night. Nikolia was out on another of his "little trips", meaning I'm all alone. Or well, not anymore as Fyodor was in the living room reading a book. Finally, he just sat in his office glued to his computer all day! I guess he's whining down to sleep. I was really starting to wonder if he even sleeps at night. Maybe all that "work" is really just him catching up on some rest. Honestly I understand with all of Nikolia's moving it's hard to get comfortableee.
"You're staring."

I suddenly stepped back "oh sorry sorry, I was just uh..."
"Staring. You were staring intentional or not" Fyodor gave me a cold glare
"I..yeah sorry..."
"It is fine, I wish to know why though."
"Ohhh you know its just always a surprise when you're out of your office, you don't really spend..much time with us"
"Oh, is that so?I suppose time just goes by for me." Fyodor placed his book down as he leaned forward "Ughh. My back is in pain"
"Welll, what did you except when all day you did nothing but sit, and sit and sit...anddd sit-"
"I understand. I was busy, I didn't have time to worry about my posture."

"Hmmm.." Sigma began to crack his knuckles "how about I give you a message, in return you could do something for me" Sigma walked over to the couch with a smile as Fyodor looked to him with this unamused yet questioning face
"What could you possibly want"
"For you to do the chores for the rest of the week"
"Why should I."
"Cause!Im gonna help you?Also I've been doing them all this time, it wasss Nikolia's turn this week but he just so "conveniently" decide to take another one of his little trips"
"Little? That imbecile goes and comes as he please, he leaves for weeks on end not even considering or caring about other peoples feelings.."
"Whoa..Fyodor I-..."
"I know....how dare he play with your feelings like that."
"What-?..But I though-you also-meant you?"
"This isn't about me Sigma. For once, ahem very well I suppose that's a good offer I'll do the rest of the chores for the week for a massage"
"I—a-alright!Works for me"
Fyodor moved his book and then readjusted himself on the couch laying on his stomach and resting his head on his arms
"Comfy?" Sigma waited for Fyodor's nod before gently climbing over him making sure to get into a carful position as to not hurt Fyodor and not have any accidents happen.

Sigma gently pressed down his hand on Fyodor's back
"Sigma. I'm not made out of glass I can hardly feel anything, harder."
Sigma lowly hummed as he shifted his eyes away "I don't wanna hurt you.."
"You?If you "hurt" me I'll let you know. Now get to work my pain is only growing and my patients lessening."
"Ah-right away right away!" Sigma pressed his hand down hard onto Fyodor back begin the message. Applying just the right amount of pressure he began with Fyodor shoulders. Through out the whole time Fyodor would let out little grunts and sighs of relief
Sigma was taking his time as he made his way around Fyodor's neck upper and lower back. As Sigma continued using his palm and knuckles at times, Fyodor let out more grunts of relief causing Sigma to begin to get flustered.
"You're doing so well-ah-Ughh..right there."
Sigma pressed down on his back as Fyodor raised his head "ah-ahh.."
Sigma blushed as he stated to get nervous "umm..are you feeling better yet or.."
"Just a..bit longer, keeping going, you're doing very well" Sigma lowly hummed a response as his cheeks got more red

Fyodor let out what sounded a moan as he arched his back
"Just like that Sigma-ah ,what are you doing-?!"
Sigma had wrapped his arms around Fyodor's waist he couldn't take it anymore he knew what he was doing wasn't dirty but he just felt so embarrassed! He gently pulled Fyodor back towards him stretching him out, trying to save himself from this embarrassing moment. After hearing a small crack and a sigh of relief from Fyodor he spoke "I-I think that will do it..?" Sigma gently laid Fyodor back down before untangling his arms from around his waist and sitting back up.
"Yes...ah finally, I feel quite nice, you did exceptionally well Sigma." Fyodor rested on his arms as he looked back towards Sigma.
"Ohhh it was nothing, glad I could help.."
Sigma covered his cheeks with his hands trying to hid their color. After a bit he carefully got off Fyodor and sat at the end of the couch as Fyodor sat up stretching around his arms
"Hmmm, how about a treat for doing such a good job" Fyodor looked to Sigma as Sigma slowly calmed down and looked to him
"Could you cuddle with me tonight.."
"Usually Nikolia's the one to cuddle me to sleep but since he's not hereee.."
"...fine. Only because I owe you and only until you sleep not a second more"
Sigma smiled and nodded as he headed up stairs to get ready for bed while Fyodor set of into the kitchen to make some tea

Latter on Fyodor was in bed with a cup of tea on his night stand and reading his book. Sigma came in and got under the covers before climbing on top of Fyodor
"Oh.-right now?Is this how we begin..?"
Sigma laid his head on Fyodor's chest "yeah, just wrap your arms around me and that's all to it" Fyodor placed his book down wrapping his arms around Sigma.
"You seen me and Nikolia cuddle before" Sigma said in an almost confused tone
"I don't pay to much attention may that make your heart ache, just know you two are the most beautiful and precious gems I want to keep with me"
"...." Sigma kinda chuckled "okay?I love you too Fyodor"
Fyodor couldn't mutter a response words of affirmation always made him catch his tongue.
Time passed and Fyodor felt Sigma's steady breathing, he looked down to see him sleeping, instead of letting go he continued to hold Sigma with one arm occasionally running his long fingers thought Sigma's silky hair while continuing to read his book with the other.

The next morning Nikolia arrived home to see his two lovers cuddling, without him..they were snuggled up to eachother so cuteee
But still!

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