Please make it stop

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Another idea from the amazing notyourtypicalbeing  Hope you enjoy it~! Or we'll more so,
Let's see where this goes~
(Also the fan art is misleading?Maybe that was part of my intentions- o>o)
No ship
Angst/attempt of comfort
Swear warning(for anyone that doesn't like profanity)

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

Akutagawa walked out panting a bit heavily as he had his arm around holding his side. Every heavy breath made him feel this sharp pain. His body was aching he was coughing, it's like he's just been through hell and back and in way that was the case.
He felt week yet guilt for feeling week, he didn't know what to do so when he passed a door and just so happen to see Chuuya inside, he thought his best option for help and maybe some guidance. "Chuuya" Akutagawa walked in "sorry to disturb" he slightly coughed near the end "but I need a moment to talk please..." his words were heavy and when Chuuya turn to face him he was shocked "What the-?What hell happened to you, you look awful...!"
"I-it's just a few..bruises..."
"How did this happen?!" Chuuya walked over to Akutagawa facing him down.
"...I..I..feel down the stairs.."
" expect me to believe you got all these bruises and a black eye just by falling down the stairs.?...let me guess Dazai.?" Chuuya cupped his face examining the black eye.
"It was my fault. I wasn't quick enough- please I just need to talk..."
"Well you can tell me all you need to whileee I patch you up." Chuuya gestured for him to sit on the antique couch as he went of and grabbed the first aid.
When he came back Akutagawa was already seated trying to steady his breaths
"Geez. He sure took a number on you." Chuuya began to patch Akutagawa up gently holding his chin to keep his head in place "this doesn't hurt that much right..?"
"Everything even hurts to breath.." Akutagawa lowly gulped

A few moments went by as Akutagawa let Chuuya focus. Chuuya made a slight sound "I'm surprised theres not a lot of blood still these bruises look bad." Chuuya gently rubbed a small cloth with water on the wound to clean after a few minutes he bandaged it up.
Akutagawa let out a sigh of relief when Chuuya finished "Thank you Chuuya."
"Of course. That bastard really needs to knock it down a notch."
" I just need to get better. I deserve this I-Chuuya I need to know what can I do to be better be faster, stronger.-what do I need to do?Id appreciate some guidance.."
"You're doing you're best from what I can tell it's Dazia that needs to cool it-"
"No. I...I know it's me who has to work harder. After all this training is for me, Dazia took time out of his day just to help me-"
"I wouldn't call beating you senseless while you can't even fight back "helping" exactly."
"You don't understand. I'm doing this for me and he's helping, so what if I can't fight back right now I'm getting there, and what if I'm not fast enough yet and what if I'm in pain right now it'll all be worth it. W-what if....I can't follow "basics" instructions I'll..remember t-them so i won't cause anymore trouble what if-!..."
Akutagawa felt his throat tighten and his eyes began to feel watery he lowly sniffed trying to hold it in. But then he started to pant and he felt like he was about throw up
"Hey hey it's gonna be okay.." Chuuya gently pulled him in letting Akutagawa rest his head on his lap. Akutagawa began to cry holding on tight to Chuuya's pants. "what ifff...e-even though I-I did everything he asked...!He just won't accept good enough?!Am-Am III not good enough...?!I try-I'm trying!Everything I can to meet his standers but nothing works...!!Its all my fault....I will never be good enough...!!!" Akutagawa cried out. "You don't need his approval. It's not you're fault he's a blind ass bitch. You're strong enough for me... If he can't see your growth he isn't worth trying to impress..." Chuuya whispered as Akutagawa could only cry now while tears ran down his cheeks. Chuuya watched with this sympathetic look, rubbing Akutagawa's back. Chuuya was ready to get vengeance but he knew Akutagawa need him more so he stayed but he knew right after Akutagawa was better he was going to confront Dazai.


"Hey Dazai. We need to talk" Chuuya's face was serious as his arms were crossed
"What now?" Dazai sounded annoyed as he looked to Chuuya
"What the hell we're you thinking.?!May I remind you, go easy on Akutagawa.-"
"Out of the picture, Akutagawa dosent have any excuses to be failing in training."
"This shit isn't an excuse it's about morals!You're going to hard on him he's just a-!!!!"
"A kid.? Hardly. From the moment he was born into this world he knew he'd have to be growing up sooner or later."
"What dose that even mean-?whatever. Go easy on Akutagawa. Do you realize how badly you injured him?!I bet he's wearing more bandages then you.-!"
"I'm not listening to your crap Akutagawa can do better." Dazai walked passed by Chuuya
"....Oh you're listing.!And listen loud and clear!You so leave another bruise on Akutagawa and I'll.-!"
"You'll kill me?How tragic"
".....hmmm-I'll make you fucking regret this one day.!" Chuuya shouted out
Dazai looked back with a un-amused face
"That. I'll be waiting to see" Dazai walked out as the closed behind him leaving Chuuya with a clenched fist

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