Give me a chance I'll take it

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Hello!!!Back already and that's because of a sweet angelic soul already given me ideas to write more fics
Thank you notyourtypicalbeing for the ideas I'm working on the others but just wanted to put this one out to not keep you waiting toooo long I hope this is up to your liking!!Please enjoy and thank you again for the ideas now then!!!
Have funnn~
Fluff/slight angst(mostly Chuuya letting his feelings out)
Swear warning(for anyone that doesn't like profanity)

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

"Ughh fuck.." Chuuya slammed his door behind him as he entered his home walking towards the kitchen.
Another restless day, to many mission to many paper work not enough time for himself bearly enough time to get a full 8 hours of sleep.
Mori keeps pilling work on top of work for Chuuya
And let's just say
I don't think Mori fully understand that even Chuuya can't always keep up and needs a break from time to time before trying to catch up

But it's okay because "At least I always have you, you'll never meeee.." Chuuya opened the bottle of wine pour it into a cup and thennnn moved the cup to the side and drank out of the bottle he grabbed two more bottles to his room for the night drinking his exhaustion away until he passed out

The next day in the afternoon Dazai found himself out and about in the streets of Yokohama.
After a bit more of wandering he entertained a near by bar looking around something caught his eye
Orange hair but not just any dull orange hair it was bright and the owner of that hair had a very petite form
"Chuuya..?" Dazai walked over with a slight smirk
"Oh Chuuyaaaa~ I didn't know you'd be here-"
"Huh.-?" Chuuya lifted up his head his vision was blurry so when he looked at Dazai he didn't recognize it was him "w-whothe Ughh fuxk are you..?" his voice was off
Dazai knew "you're drunk aren't you?" He tilted his head and saw two bottle of wine "...light weight" he smiles to himself but Chuuya grabbed a fist full of his shirt and said
"You got some..sorta problem with me paAll.?"
"Now Now no need to get violent" Dazai placed his hands on Chuuya's shoulders "hmmm.." Dazai looked Chuuya up and down he sighed "let's get you home"
"I ain'tttt...!Goinnn....nowhere!With you..whatz your name again..???-Aye aye!" Chuuya was picked up by Dazai "put meh downnn!!Dont FUCK with me!"
"Let's go no need to cause a scene" Dazai began to take Chuuya home as Chuuya screamed to be released "let me goooo!!At least let me take one more bottle...!Nohohohhh...ughhhh one more bottleeee..pleaseee.."
Dazai took a whining Chuuya back to his home as he entered he placed Chuuya and locked the door
"Ughhh...fuck..-" Chuuya inflated his cheeks and quickly ran to the bathroom once there he began to throw up
Dazai sighed as he prepared a glass of water and head to the bathroom seeing Chuuya helpless almost made him want to laugh, but not now he had to help he kneeled down and held Chuuya's hair back as he rubbed his back "There there let it all out"
He heard a hic and then a sniff Chuuya began to cry...
"W-Whoa I didn't mean like that-"
"Shut up...!Yoy don't understanddd...I feel SHIT!....Life feels like shit!I-I..I miss Dazaiiiii ughhh..!" Chuuya cried as all Dazai could do was watch in shock "He-he was an ass but...but....he just left...but he's so PeRRRfect and beautiful and-and but I can't-tell him this!Even though I love so muuuuchh ughhh...but-but!You can't tell him this...Okayy..?It's our secrettt..Promise me!!You won't tell himmmm..."
".....don't worry..I won't.." Dazai rubbed his back as Chuuya let it out
After some time he let Chuuya get himself cleaned and after drinking some water he helped Chuuya to bed he rubbed his back until he feel asleep ".....I love you too" Dazai laid a kiss on Chuuya cheek and looked out the window up at the beautiful moon.

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