Glass under the Moonlight

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This one was just for funnies!And a quick read since I haven't posted anything else in a while and had this in my drafts, AND these two should have a moment where they can both be happy even for just a bit
Enjoy <3
Swear warning(for anyone that doesn't like profanity)

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

It was a warm and dull night, it's times like these one would find themselves tossing and turning to find a comfortable passion. Pushing blankets alway due to the hotness and then pulling them back after starting to feel a bit to cold. And even after you get comfortable you may still find your self restless. Unable to sleep no matter how long you close your eyes for and try to relax your body. You may just give up and go back onto your phone mindlessly scrolling as the hour pass.
Chuuya found himself doing these exact things this night. Unable to sleep due to heat but also snuggling into the blankets as the fan blew cool air towards him. He felt tried and knew he should try to sleep. But he just couldn't, he laid on his side and began to scroll on his phone. He could hear the wind blow and cars occasionally driving by, the night was dull and his mind was blank. It was around 2 am when he suddenly got an unexpected text.

"Hey Chibiii~"
"Hey hey hey!!!"
"What do you want shity Dazai?!"
"Why are you still up?"
"I can't sleep.."
Just then Chuuya heard the sound of his window shattering he immediately knew what or well who it was.
"Probably should have used a smaller rock.."
"Sorry not sorry!"
"Chuuya can I come in..?"
As soon as Dazai saw that text he smiled and climbed into the room carefully avoiding the glass shards. He looked around the room, it was dark the only light coming from the moon there were cloths on the ground, Chuuya's coat bearly hanging on a chair. Heavy blankets near the edge of the bed. Dazai sighed at the mess, but he made his way over got got in bed with Chuuya and began to hold him close.
Dazai smirked and looked to Chuuya "Hey~" Chuuya sighed and wrapped his arms around Dazai "you're paying to get my window repaired." Dazia chuckled and softly played with Chuuya's hair "yeah yeah, don't worry I'll make sure nothing happens" Chuuya lowly huffed and closed his eyes "get some rest as well." Chuuya began to drift off into sleep as Dazai smiled and kept playing with his hair.

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