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Harry's brain works in an odd way. He personally thinks it makes him weird - Simon tells him that's not the case, that the way Harry thinks makes him special, and that his 'weirdness' comes from hanging around Simon too much, and not Harry's ADHD.

Harry's ADHD affects him in a lot of different ways, and he knows that Simon is aware of that fact. Simon has always been good with things related to Harry, picking up on his cues. Simon hasn't told him this specifically, but Harry knows, because Harry knows everything about Simon.

They live together in a small house just outside of the university campus. It's small, sometimes cramped, but it's theirs. Harry likes walking into their place and seeing small hints of Simon everywhere, like his shoes placed haphazardly near the door and the smell of red bull in the kitchen.

It all feels really domestic, waking up every day and seeing Simon already sprawled out on the couch, nursing a cup of coffee and watching some random Japanese anime show that Harry is sure he doesn't understand.

Every morning when Harry walks in, without fail, Simon will remind him to eat breakfast and take his meds, occasionally joining Harry in the kitchen and fixing his hair before the younger leaves for his first lecture.

Harry and Simon have different majors, being on separate ends of the arts spectrum, with Simon being inclined towards photography, while Harry is more focused on music production. Harry has an 8am class, while Simon doesn't, yet the elder always wakes up first so he can remind Harry to do his things and then wish him goodbye.

The actions put a fluttery feeling in his stomach, reminding him that Simon cares about him. Harry cares about him too, and the fluttery feeling is always replaced with guilt eating away at his insides when he thinks about how he can never properly express what he feels to Simon.

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