seventeen .

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One hour later, Simon is sleeping deeply next to Harry, rhythmic puffs of air adding a comforting sensation on the younger's neck. Harry knows he won't be able to get up any time soon, so he resigns himself to scrolling through his phone.

He decides now is the time to sort through his notifications, prioritizing friends and family first and marking their contact names with symbols of importance and separate ringtones. Most of the notifications were just friends sending meaningless memes and photos, but there's a couple he's glad he got to.

In the middle of typing out a response to Ethan's photo spam of their cats, he receives a text message from Chris, which he immediately opens.

chris: is simon okay?

harry: took a while, but he's good

harry:  asleep right now

harry: what about you? he told me what happened

chris: oh

chris: well, i guess im still trying to accept what happened

chris:  i don't know how i would be if simon didn't stand up for me

chris:  but right now, i'm okay

chris: i'll be living with some friends for a while, since my parents cut off the money they put towards the place i was staying at 

harry:  they're so shitty

harry: you don't deserve any of that, chris

harry: i'm really proud of you

harry: i'm glad you're feeling okay now

chris: thanks mate :)

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