twenty four .

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"Eight years later, here we are. It's crazy."

Harry nods at Simon's words, smiling to himself. "It is crazy. So many of my firsts were with you."

"Name a few." Simon prompts.

Harry flushes, but he obliges anyway. "First friend, first sleepover, first kiss, first love..." He says the last one a bit quieter, his face getting even warmer.

"First... boyfriend? Maybe?" Simon asks tentatively, his hand slipping down Harry's arm to grab his hand. He squeezes it, and Harry squeezes back. "If you want me to be."

"I'd like that," Harry says.  "A lot, actually."

Simon smiles, before pulling Harry closer for another kiss. This one's slower, longer, but holds just as much purpose as the first. The final piece of his heart clicks into place.

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