eighteen .

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After around another hour of just relaxing in bed, Simon stirs, craning his neck and squinting at Harry. "Hello," He says quietly, before dramatically dropping his face back into Harry's neck.

Harry laughs, smoothing his hand over the parts of Simon's hair he can access. Upon contact with his forehead, warmth seeps into his palm, and Harry frowns. "You have a fever."

"Not surprising," Simon says. "Past me was an idiot and refused to change out of wet clothes right away."

"That'll do it," Harry muses. "You should go take something for it."

Simon sighs exaggeratedly, maneuvering himself to lay fully on his side, tucked in the space between Harry's side and his arm. "Harry Lewis, you're all the medicine I need, I think." Simon flirts, grinning and pursing his lips to try and kiss the younger's cheek.

Harry squeaks, instinctively putting a hand between their faces while Simon just laughs, giving up and relaxing into Harry's body. It's silent for a moment, and Harry moves his hand away, making eye contact with Simon.

Simon doesn't break his gaze, smiling softly.


"Hi." Harry says back, immediately, studying the flush on Simon's cheeks. He's unsure if it's from his fever or something else entirely, but it's gorgeous.

"You're pretty."

At first Harry thinks that he accidentally voiced his thoughts out loud, but then he registers that Simon is the one who said it, not himself. "Oh," Harry says dumbly, watching Simon's blush get even more rosy.

Simon seems composed, despite the redness of his face. His eyebrows scrunch slightly and he looks determined as he leans forward, bringing one hand up to gently brush Harry's hair away from his forehead. Harry sits completely still, heart pounding in his chest at Simon's proximity.

"I missed you." He whispers, and Harry finds himself fixated on the way his mouth forms the words, lips curling with every syllable. He's fully aware that he's staring, and he knows Simon can see him staring, because the corners of his mouth pull upwards into a small grin.

Then, the elders words register, and Harry flits his eyes back to Simon's. "I missed you too."

"Couldn't have missed me that much," Simon replies. "You texted and called a lot, you didn't even go to uni. It's like I was there, just not physically."

"It's different. I missed you anyway."

"I know, Hazzy. I was teasing. You've missed too much uni, though, don't you have a class this afternoon?"

In all honesty, Harry stopped caring about his classes the moment Simon left. Yet, he still does need to go, even if he wants to stay with him.

Harry sighs, leaning back against his pillow. "It's in two hours. I don't want to leave you."

"It's okay," Simon assures, returning to his original position wrapped around Harry's torso. "I'll be here when you get back, I promise."

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