twenty six .

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When Harry wakes up, the bed is empty.

He blindly pats his bedsheets, feeling that they're still warm, and he smiles. For the next few minutes, he lays there, letting the sun stream in through the window and warm his cheeks.

When he heads out of the room, he's met with a warm voice coming from the couch. "Good morning, babe." Simon says, and Harry flushes, still not entirely used to the pet names.

He goes through the motions of the next minute fairly quickly, hastily grabbing his glasses and downing his medication. There's a note on the counter that says breakfast is in the fridge, and he sets the thought aside for now.

Upon entering the living room, Simon is in his usual spot, watching Japanese TV programs while tucked into his corner of the couch. His coffee is on the table next to him, half finished and still steaming.

Wordlessly, Harry lowers himself onto the couch, right next to Simon. When he leans against the elder, there's an arm wrapped around him and a kiss pressed to his temple. "Did you take your meds? I left a note for you."

Harry hums, closing his eyes. "Yes, and I saw the note. I'll eat before class, let's just cuddle here for a while."

"I left some clothes in the bathroom for you, too."

"Are they yours?"

Simon grins, squeezing Harry's hip. "Of course."

Harry opens his eyes and returns the smile, leaning forward to press a kiss to Simon's mouth. It's soft, sweet, and his boyfriend's lips taste like americano.

"Stop drinking americano before you kiss me." Harry says, but he's still smiling against Simon's mouth, nudging his nose against Simon's.

"You kissed me, it's your own problem."

Harry pulls back, burrowing into Simon's side and pressing his face into his neck. "I love you."

Simon's hand massages the nape of his neck before trailing up to his hair. "I love you too." There's a soft press of lips on the crown of his head, and warmth blooms in his chest.

Everything is still the same as it used to be, yet, it's different in so many ways.

Harry likes to think that things will never change, but he knows it isn't possible. He doesn't mind accepting that fact. Really, as long as he has Simon, he'll take on any changes. Simon is a constant in his life, and he doesn't want it any other way.

One phrase Simon said to him will always stick in his mind. As he rests in Simon's hold, he thinks of it, and he smiles.

"It doesn't hurt me to be there for you. I'm still here, aren't I? And I always will be."


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