thirteen .

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Harry doesn't remember falling asleep, but when he wakes up he's met with pressure on his chest and a voice coming from the other room.

"Harry, Jide!"

The voice is easily recognizable as Vikk's, and a small smile tugs at his lips. He looks down at his chest and sees Jj passed out on top of him, oblivious to the voice calling his name.

The door to Jj's room opens and Harry sits up a bit, meeting eyes with Vikk. "He's still asleep."
Harry supplies, despite his statement probably being obvious.

Vikk snorts, walking over and ruffling Harry's hair. "Tobi told me you two were napping, but don't you have a class soon?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Harry bites his lip, fidgeting with the corner of the blanket. "Well- yeah, but..." He trails off, nails running across the sheet fabric.

"Don't worry, Haz. I won't tell Tobi. You look like you need a break anyway."

A bit of relief washes over Harry, but he frowns. "I skipped yesterday though."

Harry watches as Vikk gently tugs at Jj's hair in a small attempt to wake the elder. "That's alright. Mental health and self care come first." He says, now tapping on Jj's ear.

Jj groans, weakly swatting Vikk's hand away. He rubs his eyes, rolling off of Harry and landing on the bed next to him. "How long was I asleep?" He questions, reaching over to grab his phone.

"Around an hour, I think. I got here half an hour ago." Vikk answers, a light smile on his face.

Harry pulls himself out of the bed, smoothing down the small wrinkles in his t-shirt and taking his phone from the nightstand. He slips it into his pocket, not bothering to check it. "Did Lux come with you?"

Vikk smiles again. "Yeah, he didn't feel like being home alone, he's in the kitchen with Tobi."

At that, Harry leaves the room, Vikk staying behind to force Jj out of bed. As Harry enters the hallway, he can hear bits of laughter coming from the kitchen, and it eases his mind slightly.

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