twenty five .

224 5 3

haz:  i have news

ethan:  ????

ethan:  what

haz:  i'm dating simon



ethan:  CONGRATS!!!

Simon snorts from his place behind Harry, chin hooked over the older's shoulder as he reads from his phone. "Finally, huh? Was it that obvious?"

Harry leans further into Simon's chest, tilting his phone up so Simon can see better. Right now, they're in Harry's bed, which is now technically both of theirs since Simon has practically moved into the younger's room.

"I think Ethan had his suspicions. He always looked at me weird when you were around."

Simon laughs, tightening his grip around Harry's waist. "I noticed that."

Harry sighs, putting his phone down and craning his neck to look at Simon. "You know, I don't think our relationship has changed that much. Besides, well, kissing."

"Mhm," Simon hums, trailing his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry melts, letting his eyes close from the relaxation. "We pretty much already acted like a couple, right?"


Harry exhales, leaning even further back into Simon's hold. He's warm, comfortable, safe, as he always feels when tucked into Simon's arms.

Nothing is really different.

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